Friday, June 25, 2004

Days Gone By

Yikes! I can't believe it's been a month since I've been able to write a blog! Not entirely because of computer problems, though. My life just got really crazy the past few weeks. I couldn't find time to sit still long enough to think, much less put those thoughts into words. I'm hoping that now that things have calmed down a bit, I'll be able to enjoy the rest of my summer vacation. School starts again on August 30th which means I'll be back at work on the 23rd. That's only two months away!?!
I had a lot of alone time today and that gave me time to think. I started getting all nostalgic and just had to laugh at some of the childhood beliefs I had and where they came from. Take Santa Claus, for example. He comes down the chimney, right? Well, our house didn't have a fireplace and so didn't have a chimney. My mom told me that Santa had a mouse (Called Santa Mouse, of course) and whenever he came to a house without a chimney, he'd send the mouse in to unlock the door.
I found this website: It's a collection of anecdotes about what people used to believe when they were children. Some of the entries are quite humorous. Check it out, you may get a good chuckle out of it! :o) I haven't done so, but you are able to add your own post if you so desire.

1 comment:

Gato said...

I enjoyed your comments on FearFactor, though I don't watch the show. I luv the stories about the little boy and how he talks to his computer, keep it coming. I too, am writing mostly to get out some thoughts and have had difficulty journaling regularly. Maybe this will be different, but I just started so we'll see how it goes. Since I enjoyed your post, I wanted to let you know, maybe it will encourage you to keep posting.