Monday, February 26, 2007

Basketball Fever

No, Connie. I haven't gone to Sitka yet. I leave home on the 5th, arrive in Sitka on the 6th, and return back home on the 11th. But I will take photos and bring back a full report of how Lucione and her team does in the tournament.

This whole town is inflicted with Basketball Fever. With Little League in full swing now, and the adults just returning from a tournament in Canada, the main topic of conversation is basketball.

This weekend we have one more home-game series with the Mt. Edgecumbe girls and then we're off to Sitka. This is our first time attending the tournament in a place other than Ketchikan. I know it's because it's Lucione's first year. Michael's already hinted that we'll be following her throughout high school. If we follow her, we have to follow Lindsey so we've got another 5 years of tournaments to travel to before we're done, I think. It's a good thing I like to travel!

We've been getting snow for a little over a week and it doesn't seem to want to stop. The mountains are gorgeous, but the roads are bare. That's a good thing. The snow is just the right consistency to be pretty as it falls and then melt as it hits the ground. I'm happy to watch it fall and everyone else is happy to not have to shovel or drive around in slush or ice.

I only worked 2 full days last week. Had I not been testing, I probably wouldn't have worked at all. I caught a nasty cold and am only now starting to feel like I just might beat this thing. No fevers for two whole days!

Because of my cold, there really isn't a whole lot to report on. 8 days till I leave. :o) I should have plenty to talk about when I get back. I better bring my Palm Pilot with me to take notes so I don't forget anything! haha


Connie Marie said...

That sounds like fun.

I enjoyed watching basketball when the kids were my own and their friends. Maybe you will be able to travel to Anchorage to watch games and we can meet! Hopefully Millie would be 'up' to it by then. My poor sister... sigh.

I like snow when it falls and melts, that sounds like spring weather. I am ready for spring. I don't mind spring snow because it melts. I like that it is warm enough that I can go out on the deck, shake out rugs and slowly return without feeling like I might crack in half if I stay out too long.

It's been too cold here for too long.

I am glad you are getting better. HUGs.

Aimee said...

Travely safely, Sweet Pea! See you next week.

David Edward said...

hope you feel better and have a great trip.

Anonymous said...

Yay for little vacations and for basketball. Won't you be tired of bleachers by the time it's all over?

Have fun and stop being sick, OK?
