Saturday, June 02, 2007

Warming Up

The weather is warming up. We were staying in the mid-to-high 50's all week. Now we're creeping up into the 60's. Tomorrow we're supposed to see 70. That's warm for here. Kids will be swimming in the ocean before too long if this keeps up.

Lucione got her job. She starts on Monday. She called me all excited on Thursday when she found out. She said, "Remember when I used to be a tight wad? I'm gonna be like that again!"

When she was really small, she LOVED money. She didn't spend it, but she loved to hoarde it. She had a stash here at my house, and another stash or two with her yaya. Whenever she'd find money, be it a dollar bill or a penny, she'd put it in her stash and every few months her yaya or her uncle and I would take her to the bank to make a deposit. She loved to see her balance go up! Too little to really understand what she was doing, but she loved it and we made a big deal out of her deposits.

A few years later, when she began to realize you could actually BUY things with money, she had big dreams of how she would spend her fortune. But still her money sits in the bank. She likes to plan...but can't part with her money. Which is a good thing, because her dreams were always full of Cool Ranch Doritos and Coke.

Michael was supposed to work today but the boss didn't show up. Same boss who killed the eggs last year. My goofy cousin. He decided to go and gather seaweed on the beach and didn't bother to call off work so Michael sat there for the better part of an hour until he finally decided to come back home. The boss just called...said he "forgot" to tell him last night. Funny how the rest of the crew knew all about it. Michael always gets forgotten.

But, the upside to that is, it's 63 degrees and we have a free afternoon! I'm so glad its warming up. I went to open my bedroom window this morning and realized I didn't even shut it last night. I didn't even feel a chill!


Connie Marie said...

Oh I love when it is warm enough to leave the window open at night. We have been leaving it open and sometimes wake up and it's much too cold this spring.

That is cool about Lucione saving her money. Someday she will need it and it will be there!

Swimming in the ocean.. brrrrr! We used to do it in Old Harbor too. I never did learn how to swim though, just how to wade up to my chest! ha! I had to be bobbin in the water when I got out deeper but I never went further than I could keep my feet planted on the rocks below!

Anonymous said...

I love the nice weather... because it's nice! I also love the cold, because you can bake something and then it's really cozy inside. :-)

Miss you, sweet lady.

Anonymous said...

my dear friend kerri
where oh where have you been? hmm?
i'd like an update

(comment haiku, by jayleigh)