Saturday, November 04, 2006

NO Time

I feel like the White Rabbit. Constantly late...sometimes not even arriving at my destination.

I've been fighting cold after cold. Most recently, a mild flu. Tonight was my first time out of the house since Tuesday afternoon because it was my first day without a fever.

I have been having problems getting online. I'm still on dial-up and my internet provider has been ringing busy for day. When I do manage to get online, I don't stay on very long because I'm on the main phone line at the moment and don't want to tie up the line.

What little time I do find online is monopolized by my mother. She's either got a million questions about a million different things or wants me to play a game with her. I'm lucky to keep up with e-mail. I can't ever find time to chat with anyone else or type a post.

The weather around here has been so nice. Mid 30's to low 40's...clear, sunny skies...slight, cool breezes. I love this kind of weather. Only way it could be better is to be colder...with a snowflake or two. :o)


Connie Marie said...

Sending you some of our cold temperatures, hopefully you will get some rainy style weather and they will mix together long enough to give you what you want---snow! You are funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh I hope that you get fit and healthy soon I miss you being around