Saturday, April 07, 2007

On the Mend

I'm feeling so much better now. I'm no longer limping, I can actually lift my arm above my head without wincing, and my bruises are not sensitive to the touch unless they get bumped. I'm so glad that's over with. Now I'll be lucky if Michael lets me go hiking again any time soon. This wasn't even a real hike. Sheesh, we could see the lake from the road.

Millie's husband called me last night from the hospital. He put me on speaker phone and let me talk to Millie. Trouble was, he TOLD me I was on speaker phone and I got shy. I knew it was just Millie, her husband, and her youngest daughter...but stupid me, I still got shy and panicked. I couldn't think of what to say. Of course I told her I miss her and love her...I'm asking God to heal her and wake her up. After we hung up I thought of SO many things I could have told her. She's always asking about the weather. I could have told her about all the snow we got. I didn't tell her the birds have returned. Robins are everywhere. I didn't even tell her about the swans. :o( Adam said she opened her left eye a bit while I was talking to her. I like to think it's because she knew who I was and wanted to hear what I had to say.

1 comment:

Fizzy said...

I am glad that you are on the mend. I hope that you get the opportunity to talk to Millie again on speaker phone and can tell her all the things that you forgot to say.