Monday, April 09, 2007

Tossin' and Turnin'

–noun inability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.

Lately I've been suffering from insomnia. I don't know what's causing it, but it's getting worse. Last night I didn't sleep AT ALL. I wasn't able to fall asleep till after 5:00AM. Needless to say, I didn't work today. I hate missing work but there was no way I could have gotten up at 6AM after falling asleep after 5AM and be able to function at work.

I've been having trouble sleeping for a couple of weeks, but this is the worst it's been. I've been able to function on 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night. I kept thinking the lack of sleep would eventually catch up to me and I'd fall back into a regular and more healthy sleep cycle. It hasn't happened and I've actually considered buying over-the-counter sleeping pills.

I hate taking pills. I don't even like taking asprin unless I absolutely have to. I'd much rather figure out what's causing my sleeplessness and fix it. I've had insomnia before, but it's always been in the summer when it didn't matter. It's so frustrating to feel tired and not be able to sleep. I tried everything. I switched beds...moved to the couch...watched a book...turned the heat down...turned the heat up...bundled up in blankets...used nothing but a sheet...NOTHING worked. Not until the clock struck 5AM and my brain finally shut off. I slept till about 12:30. I normally sleep 7 to 8 hours so I feel rested now. But how will I be able to fall asleep tonight after sleeping half of today away?

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Oh UGH! I know you don't like taking pills, but sometimes a sleeping pill can be just the right thing to help push you back into a regular sleep cycle.

And they have so few side effects anymore, like grogginess the next day. I've only ever taken a sleeping pill twice, but both times have been much-needed and I awoke feeling completely HUMAN again!

Good luck, Doll. Nothing's worse than a bad night's sleep (or lack thereof).