Monday, July 09, 2007

Where is the Sun?

We had a very nice holiday despite the weather. It didn't rain all that hard and it wasn't constant so it wasn't as unbearable as we feared it would be.

The parade moved fast because of the weather, but there were a lot of participants. I'd post a small video of the firework display, but since they autoplay and I don't know how to disable that, I won't. I don't think fireworks and In The Garden would be a good mix. haha If you know how to find my Bebo page, you can view it there.

Michael's birthday was on the 3rd. He always tells me not to plan a party but his family always shows up anyway. It's a good thing I had cake to serve. I made spice cake with an apple filling. It was a huge hit and we had maybe about 1/4 of the cake left by the time they all left.

We went to Ketchikan on Friday so I could buy Michael his birthday gift. He needed a new chainsaw and I didn't trust myself to order one over the phone. We had to go so he could look at them and get the one he wanted. We went to a couple of movies while we were over there, too. It made for a very long day but it was nice to get away from home for the night.

He's been out of work for just over a week now. I've enjoyed having him home all day. I never understood how my friends could complain about too much time together. Why get married if you don't want to spend time with your husband? That just never made sense to me. Rick's wife is actually disappointed that he and Michael haven't gone back to California this year.

We had a few hours of mostly sunny skies yesterday but now we are back to rain. We haven't really had a summer this year. I don't remember, but my friend commented today that we shouldn't be seeing fireweed yet...that it usually blooms toward the end of summer. All I know is we haven't had enough sun. I really hope it clears up by the first week of August. We've got all kinds of people coming from out of town for our Founders Day celebrations, dance group anniversaries, and road dedication.

This has just been a rambling post full of nothing that really matters. I guess I should stop. I hope the rest of you had a safe, enjoyable holiday!


Jobove - Reus said...

We have entered casually and have remained awhile, congratulations. Regards from Catalonia - Spain

Connie Marie said...

Rain, rain go away...
But we are thankful that the Valley had rain. It is cloudy here today and looks like rain for us too.
Yep. ...fireweed is halfway bloomed here too! The last flower of the season.
Sounds like you had a good 4th!

Anonymous said...

Oooooohhh Chainsaw! A romantic gift if ever I've heard of one!



Connie Marie said...

Hey Kerrie! I'm tagging you... see my blog!