Monday, July 30, 2007


I am so looking forward to the next few days! We're going to have so many visitors I don't think there will be enough time in the day to visit them all!

My cousin Evie is coming home...with two of her daughters, my favorite twins, and their new baby brother.

My cousin Vicki is home with her son and daughter.

My nephew Cameron is home with his lady and their tiny son.

Michael's big brother is home with his wife and daughter...and their son and his wife will be here in a few days.

My nephew Thomas is home for a visit.

My friend Eileen is here for a couple weeks.

I'm going to meet my cousin Ian for the first time ever!

I'm also going to meet my cousin Marilee for the first time ever!

Michael's sister Colleen is coming...with her son and her daughter (who is bringing her two kids).

Michael's sister Vivian will be here soon.

My best friends sisters are coming tomorrow the other in about 4 days.

And those are just the ones I can think of at the moment. There will be a lot more because there will be 2 potlatches. So that means dance groups, too.

I wish I could count my mom as one of the visitors but I'm starting to wonder if she's ever going to come home again ever. My uncle said some really awful things about her when he was fighting for the house.

But that's not what this is about. This is about all of the fun reunions that are going to happen in the next few days. Even I'm looking forward to all of the get-togethers and I'm not usually a big fan of crowds. hehe I can't wait!

On an unrelated note (or maybe along the same lines, i.e. reunions)...

I had a dream last night. My phone rang and it was an Unknown Caller. Normally I don't answer the phone if I don't know who's calling. The answering machine came on and I could tell there was a caller on the other end but they weren't talking. Convinced it wasn't a solicitor, I picked up the phone and said hello.

Nobody spoke at first but I heard a little giggle. I said, "Hello?" The second time someone replied.

She said, "Hi, Carrie. It's Millie."


Connie Marie said...

Wow, cousins, friends, brothers, nephews, sisters, how exciting for you ---all this summer company!

I hope that all your get togethers will be fun and leave you feeling refreshed ---not worn out like Alaskan summer guests sometimes can do! lol

Connie Marie said...

See my latest blog, Carrie. :-)

Anonymous said...

WOW! You've got a busy weekend ahead!!!

Have fun, sweetie!

David Edward said...

happy reunion-ing