Monday, November 05, 2007

Too Much Going On

Well, it's been 2 months since my last post. I highly doubt anyone even visits anymore, but here's my attempt to catch up.

First of all, work was super crazy this year at the beginning. It wasn't till we neared the end of the 1st quarter, things settled down for me. I finally feel like I'm in a routine and am very happy about that. There are a couple teachers I have "issues" with, but nothing worth mentioning and definitely nothing I can't handle.

My life at home has been a roller coaster with huge drops, intense climbs uphill, and crazy loop-de-loops. I hate roller coasters.

If my life consisted of nothing but work and Michael, it would be a piece of cake. But I've got a huge extended family and for some reason, we love our drama.

My uncle still won't talk to me after our big house ordeal. We see each other all the time at family functions but he just won't interact with me. If I smile or say, "Hi Uncle John" he just looks away. I'M the one who lost in the whole thing. It was never his house to take. He didn't lose anything. I lost the place I had called home for more than 5 years and probably the only reason my mom had to move home. Without a house to come home to, I doubt she'll ever return.

My Aunty Rita went north to Anchorage for a hysterectomy. During the surgery, they found cancer in her cervix. She's back up there now for a week of further tests. Hopefully, they'll find that her cancer, although believed to be in stage 3, will be treatable and she'll start radiation by next Monday.

My sister is in the hospital in California. She's been bleeding for the past 2 months. She had extreme abdominal pain late Saturday night and my mom called an ambulance. She was extrenely anemic and in need of a blood transfusion. They stabalized her, took some x-rays, and discovered her uterus is FULL of fibroid tumors. She was to have surgery today at Noon...2 and a half hours ago now. They said they wouldn't know until they had her open whether they could take the tumors or if they'd have to do a hysterectomy. I haven't slept in 2 days because I know my sister. She's stubborn, combative, and mean tempered. I'm worried that the doctors and nurses will grow tired of being belittled and lectured every time they enter her room. She won't let my mom visit or even call. When I called she said, "Hang up I'm trying to sleep." When SHE called my dad, she hung up on him. My dad is so hurt. We both stayed home from work today because we're too stressed from worrying about a loved one who wants nothing to do with us. He called me and I told him what I knew about fibroid tumors, reassured him that my sister isn't directing ALL her anger towards him, but the rest of us, too. We talked for over half an hour. That's a long time for my dad to talk but I think he felt better once we hung up. He promised to stop by later on. He said my sister really hurt him and he needs to feel good again. I hope I can live up to the challenge.

Other than that, I'm just waiting for the temps to cool. We have snow on the mountains, but it's still too high up for my liking. :o) We were in the 30's all day yesterday and I loved it. We even had some very thin ice on the more shallow ponds around the island. Today it's 45. :o(

I'm patiently awaiting the arrival of my new GREEN Dell laptop. They shipped it next day...but they shipped it DHL and we don't have DHL near here. The nearest is Anchorage. They signed for it last week and I'm assuming they put it in regular mail. Trouble is, we've had a lot of high winds lately. When the wind isn't blowing, it's foggy. So that probably slowed the mail a bit. I've always been told I'm a very patient person. This is definitely putting me to the test!

If anyone reads this, I hope you are happy and well.


Fizzy said...

I am here:)
I think the whole world of blogging has slowed down, so do not worry about not being around. I am just glad that you are here.
Is your sister "lashing out" because she is scared? It does not help you though does it. I hope that you can help your Dad, but make sure that someone looks after you too.

A GREEN laptop, I am so green with jealousy, Green is my fave colour too

Kate said...

Wow, you do have a lot going on! I wish you luck and you're in my prayers for all of it.

And I thought I had a lot going on. The last thing you need to worry about is blogging. I agree with fizzy, the whole blogging world has slowed. People have been getting to busy, or lazy (or a little of both, like me).

I hope everything gets better and you get some sleep! Don't forget to take care of yourself as well!! :-)

Connie Marie said...

Hi Carrie,
Sorry to hear of the physical problems in the family but mostly the hurt family members. Not fun!
I come to see if you've been blogging now and then and FINALLY.
I saw Mil yesterday and she is still slowly recovering.
Good to see a new post!

David Edward said...

you never know when old bloggers will visit.