Friday, May 14, 2004

My First Post in My First Blog

I didn't even know what a blog was until a few days ago. I'm not exactly sure how I stumbled on to but I did, registered, and then became intrigued by all of the different types of blogs I found.
I like to write and have always wanted to keep a diary or journal. I even attempted to a few times, but was never successful. I never remembered to write. Hopefully, this will be different. I use the computer daily, at home and at work. There are times when I have nothing to do and times when I have things to say but nobody to say them to. This seemed like it would be a good place to come in either case.
I plan to use this to post my thoughts, interesting things I find or write, and maybe share things about my daily life. I don't know that it will get read by anyone, but that's not entirely the point. It's just a way to organize my thoughts. If someone else finds them interesting, that's fine. Just keep in mind that I'm very new to this. Be patient with me.

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