Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm On My Way

After an entire week of headaches, stomach aches, dizziness, fatigue, and loss of appetite, I think I am finally on my way back to normal. I've, at least, regained some of my appetite - which may or may not be a good thing.

I think it was all sparked by my niece Lindsey. She spent a night with us last weekend and ended up being sick. She threw up and had a tummy ache the entire time she was here. I should have been more firm with her when I offered to take her home and she refused.

Add to that the stress of my life lately, and there you go. The perfect recipe for a week of pain and misery.

I just found out a few days ago that Michael will be laid off at the end of the month. The plan is, for it to be a 3 week break while the machinery gets serviced in Town. Last year, the plan was for them to start work in March...their first day was in June. So I'm crossing my fingers, eyes, and toes that this plan doesn't change.

We are having the PERFECT weather. It's clear and chilly. Not really cold, it's staying in the 20's, but it's better than the 40's and rain we've had for the past few weeks. We ran out of fuel overnight, though, so I almost wished for warmer temps this morning. The fuel guy is on his way, though, so that thought went right out the window. :o)

Lucione and Alexys have a game tonight...and another tomorrow. Hydaburg is coming to town. They should be some good games. They're usually pretty well matched. At least they were before Lucione joined the team. ;o) We'll have to see what happens.

Michael will be home for lunch soon. I better get his lunch ready. I almost wish it was summer break already so I could do this everyday. :o)


Connie Marie said...

I wish it was summer break so that you could do that everyday too!

Anonymous said...

Praying about you staying well, about M's work and the girls' basketball games. And I'm happy that you get to be home for M's lunch. :-) That's just too sweet and you guys are the cutest couple evahhh.


PS Two more days until what?

Anonymous said...


I keep trying to forget about it, and you keep on reminding me! :-)

Yeah yeah, I've got it now. :-P