Monday, April 10, 2006

Since You Asked...

An ooligan, (also called smelt, eulachon, oolichan, hooligan, or candlefish) is a small, silver fish the size of herring (approximately 6 to 10 inches long). Almost 20 percent of their weight is oil.

They’ve received the nickname, candlefish, because they are so full of oil that when dried, the ooligan is able to be stood upright and lit. It will then burn from end to end like a candle.

Ooligan grease is the oil of an ooligan but is called grease because at cool temperatures, it is a solid with the color and consistency of butter. To make ooligan grease, ooligan are heaped in piles (and depending on who is making it and where…buried, covered with evergreen branches, or stored in wooden boxes) for a few days to break down the flesh and release the oil. The ooligan are then boiled and the grease skimmed off. Ooligan grease is regularly used to accent the flavor of other foods. It may be served over dried salmon, halibut, berries, or potatoes. I also like to add it to clam chowder and boiled fish (basically a fish soup with a thin broth).


My puppy is 6 weeks old. She is a mix of, I think, 2 types of Terrier. I know for a fact that the mother is a Lhasa Apso. The father, according to my niece, is also a type of Terrier, but she doesn’t know what kind. The father belongs to my nephew and he’s away in the Merchant Marines so I can’t ask him. All I know is that she will stay fairly small.

We have chosen the name Bianca for her. Any guess as to where I got her name? (Akeskileut, zip your lips! hehe)

Space Cadet brought her to us when she returned from Town on Saturday evening. She’s doing well with us so far. We took a trip to Town on Sunday and she did extremely well in the truck. She has already attached herself to me and follows me everywhere. She’s getting more and more active as she gets to know her new surroundings more so I have to be careful not to step on her. She’s let us know that she does not like being locked in the kitchen. We put a baby gate in the doorway so that she stays on the tile while she’s home alone…easier to clean-up after her that way. She’s a pro at howling, let me tell ya. I felt bad, but couldn’t pick her up because her fluffy fur gets all over me and I didn’t want to look like I was the one shedding when I got to work.

I’ve enjoyed having her and am not really looking forward to getting a second, but we’ll see what happens. Michael’s already committed to taking him and promises that he’s cute and will also be a small, indoor dog. If nothing else, we’ll have His and Hers dogs. Haha

*If you’ve read this and there is no picture, come back later…I’m at work and will post a picture of her once I return back home.


Connie Marie said...

can't wait to see Bianca.

I know candlestick fish! They came into Sitkalidak Strait a head of the herring! I used to watch them dancing on top of the water!

Thanks for clearing that up kerrie!

I don't especially like hooligan myself, but as usual, my husband loves them or any type of seafood. I grew up in a seafood-loving town but I'd rather eat bread and butter and tea and ...smoked fish!

My "she grew up by the ocean so therefore she loves seafood" reputation is saved by the smoked fish!

Jenny said...

I'm guessing Bianca from The Rescuers. Just because I know you love all things Disney. ;-)

I remember one time when I was a kid, my neighbor brought us two huge buckets of smelt. My dad and brother and sister and I worked all morning cleaning them.

James said, "Oooh this one has ketchup in it.... this one has mustard.... this one has mayonnaise."


If we only realized how silly we were back then!

But we laughed and oohed and aahed when my dad ate 32 of them in one sitting. He only put lemon juice on them and thought they were the best. ;-)

Thanks for bringing back that cool smelt memory.

Kerri said...

Yes, Connie...the ooligan is the first fish to return each spring. I'm glad you remember now. :o)

Jayleigh, of course you're right. I'm not the least bit surprised. :o)