Thursday, April 27, 2006

Today is My Friday...

…and boy, am I glad!

This has been a tough week for me. It wasn’t until last night I realized how much work was affecting the rest of my life.

A couple weeks ago, some boys were sent to the office. I happened to be in there talking with Space Cadet about something. She told the boys, “Go sit in the principal’s office and do not talk.”

We didn’t know what they did to earn this little trip to the office and we didn’t ask. The boys (a couple of 6th graders, already too big for their britches) thought it was funny and were giggling and talking. Space Cadet asked them again, “Please stop talking. There’s no talking when you’re sent to the office.”

That just made them giggle more. I finally peeked in and realized that one of them didn’t have a chair. So I said, “Have a seat on the floor facing away from (the other boy).”

I finished my conversation with Space Cadet and headed out of the office to go do my recess duty. While exiting, I heard, “Boys! There IS no talking!”

She didn’t yell extremely loud, but was stern enough that the boys should have known she meant business.

I thought that was the end of it, at least as far as I was concerned.

About a day or 2 later, Space Cadet called my extension and said, “(The Superintendent’s Secretary – Space Cadet’s older sister) just called and said that there’s a letter from a parent saying I was yelling at her son and nephew and you threatened to expel them.”

I was so shocked. I said, “I remember them being in the office, but where do they get ‘Listen to me or you’ll be expelled’ from ‘Sit down and turn your back’?”

She said she was wondering the same thing. We couldn’t say anything because the letter was to the superintendent…we weren’t sent a copy. Talking about a letter we never did receive could get our older sister in trouble for breaking confidentiality. We decided to wait to see if anything happened, or if we were approached by anyone asking for our side of the story.

Later that afternoon, our older sister faxed a copy of the letter to Space Cadet. The letter was addressed to the principal, but courtesy copies were sent to the superintendent and the boys’ classroom teacher. I read the letter and could not believe it. It was full of accusations. According to the letter, the boys were not given a chance to explain what happened and were punished too harshly. They are the victims because they are children and the adults should know better.

According to the letter, they were sent to the office for calling another student names and laughing at her. There’s supposedly a witness who says the boys didn’t call anybody names and the girl they made cry over-reacted.

According to the letter, Space Cadet and I were way out of line by even speaking to them. They made it sound like Space Cadet was screaming at them (she wasn’t) and I was dropping threats all over the place (what a laugh).

The letter angered both of us, but we were still helpless. We felt couldn’t let anyone know we had read it without getting Older Sister in trouble. It was a Friday…we decided to wait out the weekend and see what happened come Monday.

Late Friday afternoon, the classroom teacher approached Space Cadet about the letter. That gave Space Cadet a reason to approach the principal. She said, “A teacher approached me about a letter they received from a parent….”

He told her not to worry about it…that everything in the letter was taken out of context and Space Cadet and I had nothing to do with why the boys were in the office.

Okay, that’s good to know. At least our boss didn’t believe the letter. But that still didn’t give me a chance to clear my own name because the teacher didn’t approach me. Space Cadet told me not to worry…that she probably just figured it was all a misunderstanding so didn’t see the need to approach me about it.

I tried not to think about it all weekend but there was a basketball tournament going on so I kept running into the mother who wrote the letter. I tried to smile like I always do…not letting on that I knew what she had done. She’d just snap her eyes and look away or give me an icy glare.

When I came to work on Monday, I kept waiting for the principal to call me into his office for a visit. He still hasn’t. I tried to convince myself that that was a good thing. It means he trusts me…doesn’t believe I would threaten a kid. (Believe me, if I thought I had the power to expel, some kids would have been gone long ago!)

But when I went to Science on Tuesday, everything changed. We have 6th grade on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. I heard the teacher telling the other science teacher – while I was walking by – to “remember the letter. Don’t forget about the letter.”

The science teacher sent me out of the classroom to do other things the entire period. Not just Tuesday, but the following day, as well. That bothers me because it shows me that the classroom teacher, even after working together for 13 years, actually believes I could treat students so poorly. Not only does she believe the letter, but she’s told others about it.

So now I’m left wondering how many people have read the letter and now think differently of me because of some ridiculously false accusations made by an angry parent. As of yet, nobody has approached me so I can’t speak up. I can’t defend myself. I have to pretend like I don’t know about it. But being treated differently hurts.

I didn’t realize how much until Michael asked me last night what he did to make me mad. I explained what’s been going on at work (he knew about the letter but I didn’t tell him about the classroom teacher) and assured him that if I was mad or withdrawn, it was not because of him but because of work.

I’m so glad it’s the end of the year. I’m also glad I’m not working tomorrow. I’m hoping I’ll feel better after a 3 day weekend. I have no delusions about “everyone” liking me.  But when accusations are made, I would at least like the chance to defend myself, or explain my actions. I hate this.


Connie Marie said...

It is a hard situation to be in (((((kerrie)))))) I hope it all turns out for the best for all involved and that this does not become a long, dragged out scene.

For your defense, you need to write down everything just as you remember it right now while it is fresh in your mind. Every word, you said, Space Cadet said, and they said, or anyone in the situation said. Then keep a daily journal on everything that happened/said related to that situation. Just in case things don't pan out or go away. (You probably are already doing this.)
Having a situation like this happen is emotionally draining and I am glad you don't have to work today.

Little upstart kids and the parents that don't even see their smart-alec attitudes stirring up irritations everywhere they go! I am sure those parents have to deal with it everyday at home too. Two smart-alec's at the same time heightens their flippant boldness too.

Those like you, that are in teacher/leader positions have to have an extra large dose of patience, which I am sure you have.

I believe-- because I have seen it--- that kids seem to be more flippant with less remorse or respect for their Elders, everywhere!

I guess with the job that you have you will run into this repeatedly. I just hope you get the support of your fellow-workers and they don't fall prey to this "kids are always right and need to be protected" philosophy that seems to be prevalent.

I say, carry a big paddle and use it where God provided the padding! [hehehe] Whack! Whack! You little Sad Sack!

I will pray for you kerrie! Hang in there!

Constance said...

I agree with Connie Marie and her thoughts! When I was a girl, I went to Catholic grade school and high school, If we so much as looked at one of the nuns cross-eyed, they didn't think twice about whacking us with a ruler! In my JR year of high school I moved in with my father and went to public school for the first. I was shocked to see the amount of disrespect towards the teachers and that was 30 years ago!!! I can only imagine how it is today. How sad to have a heart to love children and inspire them to be their personal best but have to walk on eggshells for fear of this type of situation that you're in! I think parents today are no nearly involved in their childrens lives as they should be. They have substituted schools & activities for their kids to "keep them out of trouble".

I saw it all the time in just doing Girl Scout Leadership for 6 years! Some parents never even met me yet blindly would send their daughter on in to my house. I told my husband we could be doing devil worship and child sacrifices and they would never even know!

There's nothing harder than feeling you have been misunderstood and not given an opportunity to present your side of things. I can't help but think of Jesus as the ultimate example for that! It says that he was silent before his accusers. I don't take that to mean that he just let them walk all over him. Rather, he had the confidence to know that God who judges all hearts knew what was right and he was fine with that, he trusted God to take care of everything. I'd say that the Resurrection took care of that dispute!

Enjoy your weekend and just relax a bit. The end of the school year is fastly approaching and a lot of times, the passage of time has a way of diffusing things!

Jenny said...

These ladies nailed down everything I was going to say... just know that I empathize with you, dear friend. I have been there and been accused and in the end, it will all be OK.

Until then, you have my prayers and **hugs**

Aimee said...

Are you not supposed to know about the letter? I mean, in a school that small--heck, in a community that small--that doesn't seem reasonable, especially considering every one else seems to know about it.

If you want to feign ignorance, you still have a legitimate right to go to your superiors, whomever they might be, and express your concern over the way you're being treated lately--you know, being removed from the class room for entire periods, days in a row, etc.

You could even say you've overheard people talking about a letter and want to know if there's a need for you to clarify your side of the story.

You don't have to sit back and wait. It's your reputation here, not anyone else's. You have an absolute right to clear your name and put yourself back in a good place.

Shame on parents who are so removed from parenting that they can't see when they're being manipulated by a couple of brats! Sheesh!!!

(And your puppies are ADORABLE!)

Huge, rib-crushing hugs, Darling.
