Friday, February 11, 2005

Friday mini-post

I’m still not feeling up to par but I went to work anyway. I just got tired of being home. Cold medicine knocks me out so I spent the better part of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday asleep or at least lying down because of lack of energy.

I still have a headache, but I didn’t have a fever today so I decided to tough it out. Friday’s are pretty easy for me, anyway.

I had Craig’s class for computers first hour. He always makes dragging myself to work worth it and he didn’t disappoint me today.

He’s having a friend stay at his house overnight tonight and he is all excited. He was telling his friend all about how they will spend their time.

At one point, he said, “And guess what my mom told me?! We get to stay up ALL night! We don’t even have to go to bed until 8 o’clock!”

I don’t think he’s in bed by 8:00 on school nights. Haha

He gave me another one of his informative lectures today, too. He said that fish have to live in water because they can’t breathe in the jungle or forest. When I asked him why, he rolled his eyes at me.

“Aunty, you KNOW fish have to breathe with gills! Gills only work under water.”

He enjoys learning new things. I hope he keeps that hunger for knowledge. He retains so much of what he hears – even when you think he’s not listening.

I’m going to try and go to the basketball games tonight. Even if I only watch 2, I have to get out of the house. Going to work helped but it was, well, work! There are games all day tomorrow, too, so if I don’t post, you know why. ;o)


Kate said...

Hope you feel better soon! Have fun at the games. :-)

Kerri said...

I'm feeling a lot better now, thanks. How 'bout you?