Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I'm Longing For...


It's another stormy day today. High winds and heavy rain. Big surprise, I know. But I've had enough. I don't usually complain about the rain....it comes with the territory...but this is ridiculous.

The rain, my head cold that never seems to go away, and the hectic lives of my nieces all seem a bit much to handle at the moment. If I hadn't missed so much work at the beginning of the month, I'd take a personal day. But the way I'm feeling today, if I took a day off I wouldn't want to go back.


I can't believe that it's already February. That means the 3rd quarter of school is already more than half over. That's just crazy. It seems like just last week I was complaining about my new schedule and here I am just 4 months away from the end of the year.


Lucione seems to take after her mother in some respects. She forgot her trumpet yesterday. She "thinks" it's in the library. She better be praying she finds it today or she'll have one very upset aunty to deal with after school. heehee


I'm off to work now. My first class isn't until 9 today. Hopefully, by then my headache will be gone.


Kerri said...

Tara, my headache lasted until about lunch time. Now that it's gone, though, I can't stop sneezing! I think my life is just too stressful at the moment, I can't seem to get over this crazy cold! Managing my nieces' schedules is harder than managing my own! If they didn't count on me so much, I'd take a step back.

Kate said...

Beautiful picture!

I can't believe it's Febuary either!

Jenny said...

Your picture is so beautiful.

I hope things seem less stressful to you today. I saw you online last night but I was so tired I could hardly function but I said a little prayer for you anyway.


Jenny said...

You know, I shouldn't post comments when I'm tired. Aren't there rules about two "but's" in a sentence? hehe