Saturday, February 26, 2005

Where Did My Week Go?!

What? I haven't posted since Tuesday? Good grief!

I guess I have been a little busy, but I didn't know it had been that long. I get online each day after work and read the blogs of others, but have neglected my own. Oops!

I've been testing for the past 2 weeks so by the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is sit in front of my computer for long periods of time.

Lindsey's been wanting to spend a lot of time with me lately. Normally, that's not a problem, but I think she's going to start "developing" soon. If she's not, I don't know how else to explain these drastic mood swings she's been having. She'll be laughing and joking one minute and then turn around and either be so angry she can't speak or start crying. Another minute and that blows over and she's happy again. Over and over again ALL DAY LONG. I can't figure out what sets her off or even what makes her snap out of her moods. All I know for sure is that it's exhausting and I'm getting tired of dealing with it.

She's on her way here as I type this. I hope things go smoothly today. If this is a phase, I hope it's a short one. If it is a sign of things to come, God help me 'cause I'm gonna need it!


Jenny said...

How old is she?

God will help you, and you WILL need it. These few days without Mindy have been strange, but somewhat restful. She is resentful but she's not saying she hates us forever and ever, so I guess that's a plus.

I hope your time together went smoothly.

Kerri said...

Jayleigh, she's only in 5th grade...turned 11 in September...but she's already passed her sister up in growth (Lucione will be 13 in April). My sister started in the 4th grade and she still gets the mood swings. I sincerely hope Lindsey is just working through something and that it passes soon.