Monday, February 28, 2005

I So Cannot Wait For This Day to End!

For the most part, today was a pretty good day. But there were a few things that either irritated me, inconvenienced me, or made me sad. I'd just rather this day was over and done with already.

I did not want to get up today. I woke up with a headache. I should have taken that as an omen.

After being at work for about an hour, I realized I was sore. My back hurts...but not like I threw it out or's just achy. It starts between my shoulders and goes down to the middle of my back. Sitting up straight hurts my shoulders and slouching hurts my back so, yeah, very uncomfortable.

I had the chance to watch Craig try Tae Bo today. He was so cute!

There was a power surge in the middle school building today that completely fried anything that was plugged in. The wiring was for 110v and the surge bumped everything up to 220v. They had to immediately evacuate because the building filled wtih fumes that may or may not have been toxic and they feared a fire would start. In order for the power company to assess the damage, they had to shut off power to our building, as well. We sat in the dark for an hour and a half.

After lunch, the power finally came on, but classes were all messed up because the clocks were out of synch. Since when do teachers not wear a wristwatch? Sheesh.

About an hour before I came home, Michael called with some sad news. Our dog, Sebastian, who we've had for just over 12 years died. Michael was working outside and wondering why Sebastian wasn't moving. He thought he was just relaxing in the sun but upon closer inspection realized he was not breathing. Poor Sebastian. :o(

So it's been a weird day. I think I'll turn off the computer and enjoy the lovely pork roast dinner Michael cooked and just relax all evening. I don't feel like doing much else.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh Kerri I'm so sorry about your doggy!

I hope your pork roast was lovely.
