Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Here's another Craig story for ya:

He had science yesterday morning. We're doing a health unit this quarter. We've studied the skeleton, the lungs, the heart, teeth, safety and first aid, etc.

This week we're studying stress. What causes it, how can you relieve it....

So the other science teacher got an idea. "I want to teach the kids yoga!"

"They seem a little young to me, but if you think they'll enjoy it, go for it," I told her.

So there they are...a bunch of 1st graders sitting in the Candle position. She's trying to explain how yoga helps you to relax and the slow breathing helps you let go of stress and the kids are chattering away, giggling about the "light" they couldn't seem to see or feel. Time to change position. This time it's Dog, known to yoga officianados as Downward Dog, I guess.

Next thing you know, Craig speaks up. "Actually, this is not very laxing."

The other teacher and I are trying so hard not to giggle.

Now it's Twisted Pretzel. Again Craig speaks up, "Does laxing mean get twisted up? 'Cause that's all I feel."

They did about 2 or 3 more positions before they were allowed to put their shoes back on and get ready to go back to class.

"Aunty Kerri," Craig said, "I don't think that was very laxing at all. I have other ways to lax."

Yeah, I guess you had to be there.


Anyway, here's a quick story about another boy, Walter.

Walter is behind developmentally. His muscle tone is not good at all. So much so,that he can't even hold a pencil correctly. His speech, although he's improved so much this year, also needs a lot of work.

To his credit, he couldn't communicate when school first started and when he did try, he was hard to understand. Now I can actually hold little conversations with him.

So yesterday at recess time, he walks into the guidance counselor's room for indoor recess.

"My shoes on backwards!" he said. Then he looked down at his feet and thought for a moment. He crossed one foot in front of the other and exclaimed, "But now they're not!"

1 comment:

Kerri said...

That is why I LOVE my job! :o)