Friday, August 12, 2005

10 Days and Counting

No, I'm not counting down to another one of Michael's visits (he'll be here in 6 days, in case you're wondering). It's actually a short 10 days until I go back to work. I can't believe the summer has gone by so quickly. I remember back at the beginning of June wondering what I would do all summer. Now it's almost over and I'm wondering what I did.

It seems all I did was take care of my sister-in-law's kids. I know it was meant to keep me occupied but it's getting old. I'm actually dreading my job this year because I don't feel I've had a break. Granted, I did have a few days alone but most of those were spent cleaning up getting ready for the next time I'd have a visitor.

I'm thankful in that it kept my mind busy so that I didn't have time to dwell on how lonesome I was, but how am I going to learn to be on my own if they won't let me?

I have absolutely no motivation to teach right now and that scares me. I'm used to returning back to work feeling rejuvenated and ready to go. Now I just want to run away.


Connie Marie said...

Fly up here for a visit!
I have an empty guest room.

It will be filled in less than two weeks so you better come now!

lol, hang in there kerri!

Jenny said...

You're always welcome here if you do run away.

Sandy said...

bummer. Sorry you don't feel good about going back to school! I bet the teacher Ha'a was talking about felt like you. He came home his first day (Thursday) and said his teacher just looked down at a paper and recited in monotone the whole class period! Hope you get some rejuvinating time to yourself before 10 days is up!

Kerri said...

SQ, I understand their intentions were good...but I'm at the point where "enough is enough". I'm hoping to count down very, very, slowly! :o)

Alutiiq Chahuk and Akeskileut, I'll make it up there some day!

Jayleigh, thanks. :o)

Sandy, I really hope I'm not that bad when school starts. Normally, the kids pull me out of my funky moods really quick. I love my job...just don't feel rested right now.

Fizzy said...

I am going to tap away at the hug button. I am sorry that you feeli like this. I understand though. I hope that the next 10days go slowly. That you have some time to do something for you. AND that when you do get back to school the kids help you. Look after yourself.
Righty I am offto find that hugs button

Kim said...

I don't think there is anything wrong with feeling that you didn't get a break yourself this summer. I feel that way all the time. Can you take the last 10 days to yourself?

Kerri said...

Thanks, Fizzy. I'm sure I'll be just fine. Michael will be here in 5 days. He leaves the day I start work. If I'm not rejuvenated after that, all hope is lost! haha Seriously, though, I'm feeling better already. I was on my own last night and my sister-in-law took her girls to Town so I haven't had to worry about anyone but myself all day. :o)

Indigo, that's my kids until school starts. Wish me luck!

Tee/Tracy said...

Everyone else has said what needed to be said. Now I just get the fun part.

