Monday, August 22, 2005

Wish Me Luck

I guess there's no avoiding the inevitable. Today is my first day back to work. I still don't feel like working, but I'll go...and make the best of it. If nothing else, it will keep me occupied.

As usual, we start off with 3 days of inservice. What's different this year, is the fact that those 3 days of inservice are not followed by 2 classroom prep days. The kids start on Thursday. The classroom prep day is on Saturday. How crazy is that? Some teachers have already begun their classroom prep, but not all of them have...and some have just moved to town so have to set up house and classroom all at once.

They've hired yet another tech coordinator. I swear that job has the quickest turnaround out of all the positions in the district. Every time I get used to a person and start to feel comfortable with them, they leave and I'm back at square one. This new guy has been here for over a month already, but I haven't met him. He's already been caught sleeping on the job at least once. I'm hoping it was the summer heat that got to him and he'll actually be awake this school year!

Time to say my goodbyes to Michael. He'll only be gone a week and a half this time!

I'll post all about my first day later on.


Jenny said...

Indeed, time flies so quickly!

Good luck with school and with sending M back to work. God bless you both as you miss each other.


Lois Lane said...

Good luck to you as you head back. Yay for Michael being home soon!
Lois Lane