Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Back to Work

Next time I’m sick, someone please tell me to drag my rear end into work no matter how badly I want to stay home.

I was surrounded by 3 different people with 3 different problems as soon as I walked in the door!

One was still complaining about a problem from last week. I told her last week that the tech guy would have to do it because it was a server problem. Something I couldn’t handle.

She said, “Well, we didn’t know where you put the instructions so he wanted me to call tech support again but I don’t have time.”

“I put the instructions in his mailbox.”

“Well, he said he couldn’t find them.”

I walked over to his box, pulled out the top sheet and it was what they were looking for. “Look, right here in his box.”

“Oh, well he must not know he has one. Do you have the paper now?”

“No…it’s in his mailbox!”

I’m sure I sounded irritated by then, but really, who could blame me? How many times do I have to tell you? IT’S IN HIS BOX!

Then another teacher came…

“I told the tech guy about my printing and network problems. He said he’d try to get to me by the end of the week. Is there anything you can do?”

“No, I told you last week, anything that has to do with the network, the tech guy has to do because I don’t have access to the server.”

Do these people even listen to me?!

Then the principal came in. “Did Mrs. L. tell you she told the tech guy about the problem?”

“Yes,” I said, “and everything he needed to fix it was right there in his box.”

“Send him an e-mail…tell him he has a box and should check it once in a while.”

“I would, except he never answers my e-mail. Besides, Mrs. L. left a voice-mail message telling him exactly that.”
I swear, this school falls apart without me here! This is not even mentioning those who have already approached me about installing software on their computers. I’ve only been here 30 minutes!


Jenny said...


Aww Kerri! You poor dear. Only two more days until M is home and you can forget about work for a couple of days.

Relax girl!

Aimee said...

Doing the weekend countdown with you...

Fizzy said...

One more day to go till the weekend.
These people you work with need to understand that they have to think about you.