Friday, September 02, 2005


I came home from work early today. I'd like to say it's because Michael came home this morning and I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. Unfortunately, I had a massive headache so called it a day at lunch time and came home and took a 2 hour nap.

I never...well, rarely take a nap during the day. He was busy slaving away in the kitchen and I was asleep. For 2 hours! I only woke up because Lucione showed up to do her homework here.

At least now my headache is gone. But my vow to stop inviting kids into my home didn't last very long. Lucione and Lindsey are here tonight. Their mom is still out of town and their dad is going hunting early in the morning and will be gone until late evening.

Their uncle is happy to have them here, anyway. And with him home, I can always lock myself in my bedroom and let him deal with them if I need a break.

I swear, though...after this I'm done with kids for a while. Honest!


I was able to chat with my mom and sister last night on Yahoo messenger. I even turned my web cam on for a while. Trouble was, she wouldn't let me turn it off. "Look at the camera and smile. I was looking down, do it again. It was out of focus, try one more time." Over and over and over again. It was only my 2nd time turning the thing on and I'm not yet comfortable with knowing I'm being watched. I couldn't wait to turn it back off. I did better than last time, though. I didn't have my hand in front of my face this time. hehe


Jenny said...

Awwwwwww. Poor you with the headache! I HATE that. But at least your honey is home.

Silly girl with your webcam. Though I don't have one and I think I'd be a bit shy too... even though I am a ham in real life.

Kerri said...

Jayleigh, it's all a bit unnerving. At least for me it was. Sitting here in my house all alone knowing I'm being watched. Maybe I'm just too shy to have a web cam. I'm so not a ham on or off camera!

Kate said...

You? Done with kids? I think not. ;-) I'm glad you got over the headache and got to spend some time with Michael. I can only imagine how hard it must be with him traveling and all.

Sandy said...

Sorry about the headache, I bet the nap helped though, huh? The first thing I always tell the kids is to drink water, they're forever dehydrated.
Glad Michael's there to help with the kids!

Lois Lane said...

I'm sorry you had a headache. I hope the nap helped and it stays gone. Also glad Michael is back home. Kick those kids out and get some quality alone time in before he has to run off again. ;)
Lois Lane