Thursday, September 08, 2005

Enough Already!

This is turning into one long week. Even after having Monday off. I’m tired of being asked the same questions and giving the same answers to the same teachers everyday. I feel so bad for the kids. If/when this testing software ever gets up and running, it will take me 3 weeks to complete. I’m supposed to test at the end of each quarter which means that after the 3 weeks I’ll have to start all over again. IF it works on Monday, then the kids will have one week of computers with no testing and then start right back in. That seems to be a very big “if” because the tech guy can’t find the paperwork he needs to renew the software.

I know in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t really all that big of an issue. I’m just frustrated. I tell them over and over again that I don’t have the answers yet they keep asking me. Even the principal expects me to know. I don’t have ESP. I am not able to communicate by mental telepathy. If the tech guy is not answering my calls, I don’t have answers. He of all people should understand that I’m not the person to go to. He calls me the Tech Guru when really, I’m far from it. Sure I can handle little things, like printer errors and software installations, but when it comes to the big stuff like networking and server issues, that’s not only out of my league, it’s out of my building. Even if I wanted to figure it out, I couldn’t without crossing campus.

On the plus side, the science teacher and I get along quite well. She’s got an excellent sense of humor. I’m not sure the kids have caught on to her sarcasm yet. She has a way of making science fun while still teaching the concepts they need to know.

The weather has been changing rather quickly lately. It will storm at night and be fairly good all day with only a few showers and then blow all night again. Right now it’s actually mostly sunny.

Lucione has come over a couple times to do homework, but I haven’t had kids sleeping at my house at all this week. It’s been kinda nice. I’m getting used to being alone and sometimes even enjoy it. That’s not to say I wouldn’t love it if Michael could work at home.

Well, being that I’m at work, I suppose I should quit rambling.

Wait a minute! Just as I was about to post this, the tech guy showed up and asked me to try the testing software again. It works! YAY!


Sandy said...

I was just about to say that maybe you need to hire a new tech guy....and here he goes and gets it done!

Lois Lane said...

I'm so glad the tech guy came to the rescue! Now send out a mass e-mailing to everyone so they know not to bug you anymore. :)
It's almost the weekend! Woohoo!
Lois Lane

Jenny said...

Oh thank God! Yay!!!!!!

I know it's frustrating, dealing with these kinds of situations. It seems that everyone is against you and quick to blame and DEMAND answers. Thankfully the tech guy did his job instead of falling asleep again.

Have a wonderful day, my friend!
