Thursday, September 29, 2005

Starting to Feel Normal

I woke up without a headache this morning. First time in almost 2 weeks. I'm not really coughing anymore. It's down to just an occasional sneeze and blowing my nose every 2 minutes.

Anyway, I've neglected my blog this week. Partly from not feeling well, but also because I was just not up to writing. For some reason, I had an extremely difficult time saying goodbye to Michael this time. The day he left I think I cried every time I thought of him. I went to work which helped a little...except that he knew I was upset so kept calling to check up on me throughout the morning.

Some days are better than others, but nothing ever feels quite right when he's not here. I find myself feeling bad for enjoying things I know he would enjoy, too. I've even turned down a few invitations because I knew I'd feel guilty for having fun alone.

I don't know why that is. He doesn't seem to have trouble getting out and doing things. He shops, goes to movies, eats at restaraunts, etc. I guess after 13 years of doing almost everything together, it just doesn't feel right to me to do things alone.

Hopefully, I'll shake this cold once and for all and get out of this self-pity funk I seem to be in and all will be okay again.

If you're the praying kind, say a little prayer for Jayleigh. She's going to have surgery soon and even though I have complete faith that she'll be okay, she'll be glad to know we're thinking of her.


Connie Marie said...

Seems a lot of people been having this cold like you've been fighting, I am glad you are getting over it.

He will be back and it will seem like he never left. Hang in there kerri!

Jayleigh... God bless you.

Lois Lane said...

Hugs and prayers for Jayleigh and you. I think you should follow Michael's lead and go do some things. Maybe not the things you are used to doing together but pamper yourself stuff. I'm glad your cold is clearing up. Have a great weekend!
Lois Lane

Jenny said...

Ok guess what. This kid that went to my high school was just deployed to Iraq. One parent lives here, the other... Ketchikan. Is that weird or what? Did I spell it wrong again? Anyway. Weird.

Thank you for the prayers, dear. I know I will be fine because God has SO MANY plans for me that I have hardly started working or even not at all... so with plenty of work left to do, I'm satisfied I will be OK.

**hugs** Thinking of you and praying for you and M while you're apart. Really you shouldn't turn down invites. Relax and spend time with loved ones and friends.

Remember it won't always be this way... just for a season.

David Edward said...

Praying for you - and for our dear Jayleigh. Be encouraged to know that we are never alone. He is with us always.

Sandy said...

so glad you are feeling better.
Maybe this will just take do stuff without your husband. I hope you can learn to have fun whether he's there or not!

Kerri said...

Akeskileut, thanks. *hugs* back atcha!

Alutiiq Chahuk, Everyone down here has the same cold...I think I may have finally beaten it, though. *knock on wood*

Lois, that's easier said than done on this little island paradise of mine, but I've decided this self-pity stuff is for the birds, anyway. :o)

Jayleigh, you spelled it correctly this time. A+ :o) No need to thank me for the prayers...just as there's never a need to ask for them. Not from me, anyway. You'll get 'em whether you want 'em or not. hehe

Thank you, David. You are so kind.

Sandy, it is taking a lot of getting used to. I know I'll be okay, and start to do things again. Just wait till basketball season starts. You won't be able to keep me home! :o)