Thursday, September 22, 2005

The End is Near...

The end of my cold, at least. I think I’m beginning to see the light at the end of this long tunnel that is my cold.

I had a bad coughing spell today at work where I couldn’t catch my breath, but that was because Tech Guy left me to rearrange the computers in a classroom while he went and ran cable in another. I got too warm and felt like I was suffocating. I had a hard time catching my breath. Breathing deep irritated my throat and then it was non-stop coughing for about 10 minutes. Not fun. I didn’t have a headache today, though, so I’m taking that as a good sign.

I was in science all afternoon today. Thursdays are rough because we have two kindergarten classes in a row. We use Foss kits and they’re set up for centers, not as classroom lessons. Add that to the fact that today was only their second science class and we were scrambling to figure out what to do. The lessons not only have to be modified, but we still have to assess these kids to see how much they can handle at one time. We tried breaking up into groups, and still were not able to finish the lesson.

They were a lot of fun, though. My niece Mikayla was so confused to see me there. “Aunty Kerri, why are you in the computer lab, the library, AND now science?”

I told her I didn’t have enough computer classes to keep me busy so I help out in other places, too. “Well, is there anyplace ELSE I should look for you?”

She always has been one to speak her mind.

Michael comes tomorrow. He’s trying to find a way home from Town. The last flight home is at 4:30. Michael lands at 4:33. There’s a guy who runs people back and forth on his boat for a fee but we’re having trouble contacting him. I’m hoping if it doesn’t work out, a friend of ours will go and get him even though it will be a huge inconvenience to him. He’s going to Town on the ferry tomorrow…will be on the ferry home by the time Michael lands. He’d then have to get in his boat and go right back to Town in order to pick up Michael and bring him home.

You all don’t really want to read the boring details that are my life, do you? I’ll stop now. Lindsey should be here soon, anyway. She’s been wanting to visit but I’ve been too sick.

UPDATE: I just talked to Michael and the man who usually runs people back and forth can't pick him up because his boat broke down. I'm hoping our friend will be able to go get him. His visits home are short enough without giving up a night to stay in Town.


Aimee said...

Couldn't you go to town to be with him? I mean, it doesn't get him HOME any sooner, but it does get him back to you--plus you get a mini vacation out of it. Maybe go to a movie or something...

Sandy said...

Oh, that's a good idea! You can go to meet him : )
That would really be junk if he's so close and yet can't get home. Hope it works out for you, Kerri!

Jenny said...

I'm with the girls. YOU go to town to surprise him. You all can shop in town and see a movie and come home tomorrow at your leisure!

Let us know what happens!


Kerri said...

I thought of that, ladies. But I haven't received my paycheck yet so have no money to pay my way over.

Aimee said...


Do you have a PayPal account? I'll send you the money.

Email me.

Tee/Tracy said...

I'm trying to understand geography of your location. LOL. Is it kind of an island?... I can't imagine having such a hard time getting out! It must be a pain.

That's cool that you get to see your niece so much at work. LOL.

Hope you continue to get better!