Thursday, July 21, 2005

Oh, Right! I Have a Blog!

Sheesh...I've neglected my blog this week. I've been doing so well at keeping myself busy that I haven't been spending as much time at my computer.

I survived the first week. I only had one really bad day. That's not to say I haven't been lonesome, but I have been holding myself together.

Theodore didn't stay with me like I was expecting. My mother-in-law took him to town with her. But when he came back, he paid me a visit and had me running all over the house. I swear that kid never gets tired of being tickled. There is just no quit in the kid. He even managed to follow me to the grocery store and talk me into spending $16.00 on him. Yeah, I'm a total sucker. But with a face like that, who could say no? He did, after all, promise to be a very good boy.

Every night I check the weather forecast and every night it says to expect rain. We had a big downpour this morning around 4AM that lasted about 10 minutes and that's been about it. We've managed to stay in the upper 60's this whole week.

Lucione moved out on Tuesday so I've actually been completely on my own for 2 nights. I didn't think I'd like it, but I guess I could get used to it. It definitely cuts down on the dishes and laundry.

I think I just figured why I've been neglecting my blog. I can't think of anything to write about. I'll give it some thought and try again soon.


Sandy said...

Ooh, you lucky girl. I'd love a couple of nights all by myself!! You can get a great book and dig right in!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are managing on your own..:-) This evening we got some rain.

Tee/Tracy said...

Alone time when it's raining?? Doesn't get better than that! Enjoy yourself.

And that is a face worthy of $16. ROFL.

Jenny said...

Rats! I read this last night and *knew* I forgot to comment.

T is a cutie pie. I'd have been a sucker too, so don't feel too bad. btw, was it anything COOL you got him for $16 or kind of silly?

I am finishing up on your scarf this weekend. Rob said you all would need them soon. LOL So you'll have to email me your addy.

**hugs** Praying for Michael and you.

Kerri said...

Sandy, I'm not used to being on my own yet so couldn't get into reading.

Thanks, ahka. We still haven't gotten our rain. Not that I'm complaining. Just pointing out the fact that our weatherman is off. hehe

Tee, it would have been better if the alone time and rain came at a time other than 4AM. I'm glad you agree on the face, hehe.

Jayleigh, he thought it was cool, and I guess that's what counts. It was a set of walkie-talkie's and the batteries cost more than the toy! I still can't believe you're making me a scarf. E-mail is on it's way. Thanks for the prayers. I really appreciate it.

Lois Lane said...

I'm so glad you are adapting! Yeah, that face would be tough to tell no. LOL!
Hve a great weekend!
Lois Lane

Kim said...

Glad to hear from you! You'll find something to write about, sooner or later. :-)