Friday, July 08, 2005

Random Bits

Michael talked to his boss last night. He said they hadn't reviewed his medical report yet because their doctor is on vacation. *shaking head* I'm so tired of this. I guess they are just being cautious, but how many doctors have to say he is healthy before they believe it?


I went to a wedding reception and a baby shower yesterday. I forgot my camera, unfortunately, but trust me when I say that my new nephew is quite handsome. :o)


We've had rain for a week straight now. It's supposed to continue through the weekend. Everytime I think the clouds are going to break, we get another downpour. It's keeping Michael busy, though, so I guess that's good. He has to drain and filter contaminated run-off so when it rains he puts in a full days work.


Space Cadet goes back to work in one month. That means I have about one month and two weeks left before I return. Time seems to be flying by.


The Boys and Girls Club has taken the kids camping. That means my house has been especially quiet the past couple days. I miss the constant slamming of my door as my nieces and nephews run in and out all day.


I heard a plane this morning which hopefully means the mail made it in. I'm off to check. Have a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend!


Connie Marie said...

When it rains and rains ... aren't you thankful for that roof up above?

Lois Lane said...

Don't you just hate when so much is going on yet nothing is getting done? I hope you get your mail and Michael gets his coverage soon. :)
Lois Lane

Kerri said...

Alutiiq Chahuk, thanks for putting things in perspective for me. Although I'd be even more thankful for my roof if we could figure out where the leak was coming from! hehe

Akeskileut! Thanks for making me laugh.

Thanks, Lois. Me, too!

Jenny said...

It has to be very frustrating that Michael still hasn't been cleared for takeoff, as it were. Sheesh.

We were sitting aorund a bonfire at my folks' house last night watching the fireflies across acres and acres of cornfields. They were talking about their Alaska vacation a couple of years ago and I thought of you.

While we sat around the fire, in my head I said prayers for you and Michael. God bless you and have a great weekend.

Kerri said...

Thanks, Jayleigh. That means more to me than you'll ever know.

Sandy said...

how does Michael do his job?? That's interesting to hear !

Aimee said...

One of the unspoken "joys" of the Pacific Northwest--all the RAIN all summer long! I have an idea... why don't you come down here for a while? ;)

Have a great weekend, Sweetie.

Fizzy said...

Hey I thought it only rained in the UK like that. we have just had a week of it now it is really really hot and sunny... so I hope that you get this next.

I am sorry you are having problems with this medical clearence.

look after yourself