Saturday, July 02, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I am going to be so exhausted by the time this weekend is over! Not that I'm complaining. It's going to be a lot of fun if I can manage to stay awake. I had Theodore here for 2 nights so I'm not well rested. I was up way too late last night (Thanks a lot, Ahka! j/k) and got up way too early this morning. We're going to town and spending the night. Michael's got a paycheck to cash and he wants to see a movie. Who am I to say no? His birthday is tomorrow! hehe

Sunday when I get back, I'll have to quickly bake a cake. He insists on what he calls a double-decker. Meaning, I have to bake 2 cakes and plop one on top of the other with a layer of frosting in between. His family will be coming over. As much as I'd like to be selfish with him, I don't want to deal with the whining complaints of my mother-in-law. She always "forgot" to give Michael a birthday party while he was growing up. So now it's my job to make up for it. Whatever. I'm just doing it because Michael really wants cake. How do I know this? He went and bought the cake mix himself. Silly guy.

Monday will be another early morning. Have to cart all the nieces and nephews around to make sure they get to the parade line-up in time to ride the fire engines. The parade starts at 10AM. It will be followed by races and contests and the eating of tons of not-so-good-for-you-but-really-yummy-food. Around 10PM there will be a fireworks display and soon after that is done, I'll come home to collapse.

Needless to say, I probably won't have time to blog while doing all this, but I'll tell ya all about it when I get back. I hope you all have a safe, enjoyable holiday weekend. Take care and I'll be back on Tuesday. *hugs*


Aimee said...

Dang! I'm tired just reading all that.

Happy Birthday to the Man. :) If you have time, I asked you a couple of questions in the comments to my last post. You know, if you have time...

Sandy said...

Happy bday Michael! Kerri, your weekend sounds like a lot of FUN!!

Jenny said...

I understand about busy days!!!

Have a nice time in town and a great party. You are such a sweetie, Kerri!

Tee/Tracy said...

busy busy busy! Good luck with the double decker! ... My MIL also didn't make a big deal about my Hubby's bday growing up, but it had an opposite result with him. Now he just doesn't expect anything to be done.

Lois Lane said...

You are a busy little bee! I hope there was time for plenty of good old fashioned fun during all the chaos. Can't wait to reead all about it.
Lois Lane