Friday, December 16, 2005

Concerts and Cookies

It’s 9:00 and I’m trying to decide if I should wake my little “elf” or not. I call her my elf now, because last weekend when she came to visit I asked her, “Who’s my light plugger-inner?” My mom used to use silly words like that all the time when I was small. Hehe, guess I really do take after her.

Anyway, when I asked that, Lindsey laughed and said, “Gah, Aunty! Light plugger-inner?”

“Well, what else am I supposed to call you?”


She said it so matter-of-factly without even the hint of a smile. So now she’s my elf. A tired elf because I let her get online last night and she was up till around 11:30.


Michael comes home today. I am so excited! He called me 3 times last night. I think he’s a bit excited, too. :o) I’m glad I didn’t try to change my ferry reservations. They’re booked solid today so I couldn’t have made it over, anyway. At least not with the truck.


The school concerts were great. It was kind of sad to think that it was Lindsey’s last elementary Christmas program. She’ll be in Junior High next year! She tries to tell me she hated it, but I think she really enjoyed it and is too “cool” to admit it.

Craig had a blast. He really got into it this year. His little sister Mikayla enjoyed herself, too. She actually surprised me and behaved quite well.

James was a little harder to read. He’s been really self-conscious lately, but I think he had a little fun on stage.

I’ll post some pictures, but haven’t had time to do any editing. I wanted to get them posted before Michael comes home (tonight! Yay!) and I get busy.

Elementary Concert:

Here’s Craig (in the blue shirt in front) with his class singing We Three Kings. I thought this was the sweetest picture. I’m glad I caught it.

Mikayla is normally quite active and not able to be still or quiet. She behaved quite well and is actually looking a little robotic in this picture. She's the curly-headed one in the front row wearing a black dress with a red ribbon around her waist. It's weird that she looks like she's looking right at my camera. I was waaaaayyyy in the back of a dark gym in the top row of the bleachers.

James was a little harder to read. He said he hated it but he looks like he's having fun. He's the taller boy in the back wtih a blue shirt. The girl in the pink is my niece Autumn. I don't think I've ever mentioned her before.

Lindsey tried really hard to convince me she hated the whole ordeal. I don't know, what do you think? She's in the vertical striped shirt in the back row. The tallest girl, with the glasses, is my niece Tawny.

Here is the entire elementary school, kindergarten through 6th grade, singing the finale. They sang Yankee Doodle Santa and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

Junior High/High School Concert:

My nephew Adam sang "Oh, Holy Night' as a solo. I was extremely proud of him. He did great.

Alexys played "Silent Night".

Lucione played "We Three Kings of Orient Are".

The tiny band...7th through 12th grade.


Here's Lindsey learning how to roll dough. She's concentrating so hard she had to stand up! hehe

Decorating with popsicle sticks is not easy as evidenced by the intense look of concentration on Lucione. haha

Once they got the hang of it, they came up with some really neat designs.

Forgive the weird camera angle. haha I was trying to just get the cookies. When Lucione spots a camera THIS is what happens:

I better get back to the kitchen. Maybe more baking will keep my mind off of Michael for a while. This has already turned into a really long day. hehe


Connie Marie said...

YUM! YUM! Me love cookies!

Wow, I feel like I have been to a school Christmas Play/Show! I have not done that in a long time!

For some reason everytime I thought about the school, I thought of a small school. This looks like any school out here, BIG!

Merry Christmas! Looks like Christmas is in full swing down your way. :-)

Makes me feel like baking!

*tugs on tight waistband*

Fizzy said...

mmmmmmm love the look of the cookies (we call them biscuits) the looks of concentration on the girls's faces are brilliant.

Yipeeeeeeeeeee Micheal is back :) I am so happy for you ..enjoy

oo and loved all the photos of the Christmas productions

Sandy said...

You're the best aunt! So fun! You can call me rudolph BTW

Aimee said...

Oh my god, Kerri, is there anyone on that island you're NOT related to?! That was too funny.

SO glad M's coming home for a longer stretch. I know you are, too.

Merry Christmas, Sweetie.

(Did you ever get my email last week? It came from my home email account, which is Aimee (dot) [last name} (at) sbcglobal (dot) net--you may not have recognized me as the sender.)

Kerri said...

Connie Marie, you'd be in cookie heaven right now if you knew where I lived! haha We've made at least 5 dozen of 4 different cookies so far (not counting those in the pictures - those have already been given out.)

Our school district has around 300 students kindergarten through 12th. We have almost half that in the elementary.

Merry Christmas to you and yours, too! *hugs*

Fizzy, it was so funny watching them. I didn't help at all except to demonstrate how to use the rolling pin. They had so much fun but it took them forever! haha

Michael was a little late getting in, but he made it home and I am so happy!

Rudolph, hehe, thanks. I try to be there for them as best I can. :o)

Aimee, I'm so sorry! I would have recognized your name had my e-mail sorter not put you in the junk folder. You have e-mail. :o)

In our native traditions, all first cousins are brothers and sisters. That results in me having about a million nieces and nephews but I love each and every one of them! :o)

Michael and I always joke that he's related to half the island and I'm related to the other half. So between the two of us, I AM related to the entire island! haha

*hugs* Merry Christmas to you and your sweet Emily.

Akeskileut, I have so many more pictures, but couldn't find the time last night to find you online. Michael came home a couple hours later than planned so Jen and I kept busy baking cookies. :o)

k8 said...

WONDERFUL POST...LOVE THE COOKIES. have a great holiday.

Tee/Tracy said...

You must be such a proud aunty with all the fabulous things these kids are doing! The cookies look fantastic!

I can imagine you're so excited! Michael is coming home! I hope you guys have a perfect time together.

Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones :) {HUGS}