Thursday, December 08, 2005

Miscellaneous Thoughts

Michael and I will see each other again in 12 days! I can’t say he’ll be home because I’ll be meeting up with him in Town and we’ll spend a night or 2 over there before we come home and get busy with the family. This was all his idea, of course, but it will be nice to have some alone time.

This weekend I’m going to make fudge and cookies for my coworkers. I was going to just do the cookies but I’ve had a request for fudge so I’ll do both. Lucione and Lindsey will help me decorate the cookies. That should be a lot of fun if I can keep them from fighting over the icing and sprinkles.

The weather is starting to turn on us again. We have wind and rain again today. It wasn’t really blowing all that hard this morning, about 45mph, but my dad insisted on driving me to work. That meant I got here a whole 30 minutes early. I sat in Space Cadet’s office and kept her company for a while before making my way to my classroom.

I’m administering 2 math tests today and I am done until February. I’m so happy. Testing is stressful for me because I never know if the software is going to work or not. This time around, the Early Literacy software didn’t work, but the principal let me off the hook and said I didn’t have to run that test this time.

Next week is our last week before Christmas Vacation and it’s a short week, at that. We won’t be in school on Friday. The kids are already getting antsy. Who am I kidding? So am I! I’ll be very busy that weekend because I’ll need to have all of my cookies and fudge done before I head to Town. Michael will need the kitchen when we come home to bake his bread. Too many people look forward to his bread, he’s decided he can’t skip a year.

Tomorrow is a big day for our little community. It will be our first basketball home game this season. Mt. Edgecumbe boys will be here. Basketball is a big thing here. Everyone is either a player or has been one at one time. I even played in high school. This year is especially exciting to me because my niece Alexys not only made the team, but she’s a starter on varsity. Unfortunately, the girls team only has 3 home games this year. I don’t know if any of her games coincide with Michael’s trips home, but he’ll be able to see her at the Regional Tournament in March. He’s going to take his vacation during that week so we can go watch her play. The tournament is in Town so it will be a nice little getaway for us.

I’ve got test scores to print out. I better get to that. I hope you all are having a good day (or night – whatever the case may be).


Lois Lane said...

Sorry I haven't been around! Looks like you are crazy busy as always! I'm glad Michael is headed back home and I hope the weather clears up for his trip. Good luck to your hometeam!
Lois Lane

Connie Marie said...

Be happy that you don't have to bake all the stuff that Constance did! :-D

Mt. Edgecumbe, I think my brother went to school there for a few weeks, lol. Maybe Mom went there too. (We had to do Boarding School High School in the olden days.) Did you?

Kate said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! :-)

I wasn't ever really in to basketball till I moved to Alaska and now I'm always asking how the university teams are doing.

I'm glad that you and your husband get to be together. I'm sure that will be wonderful!

Have a lovely holiday and don't get too busy. Take some time to sit back, relax and enjoy as well.

Jenny said...

Sounds like your mood has really picked up... and I'm glad of it. Sometimes too much gloomy weather takes it toll on us, doesn't it?

12 days and counting... oh I guess it's 11 days now. Yahoo. I hope you two have a really nice time in town together... shopping and Wal-Mart... make sure you don't steal anything. :-)


Glad your Dad is taking care of you and making you be good while M is away!

Fizzy said...

It Worked!!! A Big THANKYOU

I am glad that you are going to get some time just for the two of you. I was thinking of making choclate truffles this weekend.. well thinking about it. My Hubby works in a school and his boss bought him and the other IT technician an advent calender, on top of them both opening thier Simpson's calender everyday she has alos bought them little gifts. He has come home with Xmas socks, xmas CD, Xmas ale... the works so I have made them all a xmas cake and I think I will make them some truffles to take in this week.

I hope the 12 days Zoom pass.
Look after yourself