Monday, December 19, 2005

More Answers to More Questions

Jayleigh wanted to see more decorations and baking so here ya go!

This is my hallway. Michael strung these lights and the colors are nice. They all look white in the picture, though.
These lights are moving so it may be hard to read. It's Santa with Merry Christmas. It's the only decoration in my kitchen, which is in plain view from my living room.
I only have 3 non-Disney decorations on display this year. This first one is a Coca-Cola bear playing a medley of "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke and Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree." This is the snowman from the Hallmark commercials. He's cute and plays a medley of 3 Christmas songs. He's got lights strung on his piano that light up when he sings.
This is Frosty. He swings a snowflake and tips his hat while wiggling his hips and singing "Frosty the Snowman."
My sister gave me this Pinnochio. He sings a Christmas song and dances as well as one can dance when being held up by strings.
These next few pictures are of the characters belonging to my Mickey's Marching Band. They play the bells by swinging their mallets back and forth. It sounds kinda neat. There are a whole bunch of Christmas carols on their list. Here's Mickey:
Goofy, oh good...thought I forgot him!
Donald, a bit blurry, but the best one I had of him. Taking pictures made me dizzy for some reason and by the time I got to him, I thought I'd finally know what it was like to faint. Luckily, I still have no idea!
And Daisy:
I know I talk a lot about my nieces and nephews coming to visit, but believe it or not, I don't just get visited by kids! We heard some scratching at our door the other night and when we opened the door, look what we found! The one on the right is my father-in-law's dog Theodore (named after my nephew). The dog on the right is my nephew Michael Richard's dog, Manny. We kept trying to let them back out and they kept scratching to come back in. By the time they finally left, it was Midnight and by then their owners thought they had run away.

Here's Michael getting started on his bread. He calls this a "half-batch".
Once the dough is ready and has had time to raise, this is what a "half-batch" looks like.
When left to raise for too long, it looks like this:
We bake 5 at a time. Here is the first load ready to go in.
This is what they looked like after baking. We ended up with 29 in all and still have more to bake.
Stationery Queen asked about tribal dances. We do have several groups here who dance. I am not a part of one, but I used to be all through my childhood. We even had the opportunity to compete at the World Eskimo Indian Olympics and took first place the first time we participated. We dance for tourists during the summer, but more traditionally, we dance at potlatches. A potlatch is put on when there is a cause to celebrate or as a memorial for someone. I have my very first dance dress. I'll take a picture of it some day and post it. Until then, in my archives are some photos of others dancing. The most recent ones, I think, are in August 2005.
Sandy, aka Rudolph, asked about a million questions! haha Most of them can be answered by reading my 100 Things linked in my sidebar, I think. But here goes:

1. I'm 34.
2. I was born right here in southeast Alaska on the next island.
3. I have one biological sister (older than me), 2 older step-sisters, 2 older step-brothers, 1 youngers step-sister, and 1 younger step-brother.
4. My cousin introduced Michael to me at a friends house while I was home from college during Christmas Vacation in 1990.
5. I knew he was the one because we got along so well and I never had to worry about who I was around him. He made me feel comfortable to just "be". He still does and I have never been happier.
6. I have been married 13 years.
7. My favorite color is GREEN.
8. My favorite movie is a bit harder. I have a huge collection...I'll say "It's a Wonderful Life" since it's Christmas time and I've been wanting to watch it for days.
9. My favorite song is Evergreen by Barbara Streisand. My cousin sang it at my wedding.
10. My favorite food is any of our native dishes. Seaweed and rice (especially with salmon eggs), smoked salmon, boiled fish, etc.

I'm almost scared to ask...but are there any more questions?


Fizzy said...

ooooo horrible blogger I lost my really really long comment!!

I loved this post lots and lots to read .

I loved Donald and Daisy of course heheh

My fave colour is green and I like Streisand too.

I love reading about your tradtions and would love to see your first dress.

As for Micheal's bread making.. I am so jealous they look professional ... I love fresh bread ... still warm from the oven... with butter or cheese on... ooookkkkkk I am slobering now.

your doggy visitors were cute I was giggling away at them coming around to call.

Tee/Tracy said...

I like the snowman decoration the best. My Mom has the one from last year. LOL.

The dogs are sooo cute! I so would have taken them in.

Finally we get to see Michael! He's handsome. Reminds me a little of my husband's father... Look at that bread overflowing! LOL. What kind of bread is it?

And as for more questions - HA! A dangerous thing to ask if Sandy is about. ROFL!

Alright, I'll ask some.

The bread pictures made me think of Fry Bread. Is that something you eat?

How long does a letter take to get from the east coast US to you? (Cause I sent you a card today and I think it'll be late. ROFL.)

Connie Marie said...

Your house looks very Christmasy.

Wow, Michael makes A LOT of bread! He makes more than my Mom made on bread-making day!

Mom used to make 12 to 14 loaves when she made bread. Lots of bread for lots of kids and one husband that refused to eat meals if there wasn't any bread on the table! Mom worked so hard.

Great pictures, kerrie!

Jenny said...

I love the decorations!!! Thanks for posting pics of your Christmas Wonderland!!!!


Merry Christmas!

Aimee said...

Holy Crow! We make bread, too, but NOTHING like that quantity! Half a batch indeed. (Hehehe) It looks sooooooooo delicious!

I'm stopping in to say Merry Christmas and send you love. I'll be gone for about a week, but you know I'll be thinking of you. ;)

See you next year.


Kerri said...

Stationery Queen, I think we may have won because we were the most unique group there. Unlike the majority of the eskimo groups who attended, we move all over the place where they tend to stand in lines and most of their movements are just in their arms and bending at the knees and waist.

Fizzy, I hate it when that happens! I'm sorry. I'll post a picture of the dress probably after the holidays. I'm going to be rather busy the next few days. :o) Manny is sitting at my feet as I type. He must have heard our truck return home because he came running around the corner before I even opened the door. :o)

Thanks, Akeskileut. I had to include the dogs. I found it quite funny, too. hehe

Yes, Tee, you're right. Asking for questions can prove to be dangerous when Sandy is around. haha

I love fry bread! We eat it buttered, dipped in syrup, and even topped with taco fixings.

A letter usually takes about 4 to 5 days. Don't worry if it's late. Just knowing it's coming is good. :o) I love getting mail!

Connie Marie, Michael does make a lot of bread. When his sisters first taught him, they'd get mad because they can only make 15 at the most at one time, and that's mixing by machine.

You're welcome, Jayleigh. **hugs** Merry Christmas to you and Rob, too! :o)

Aimee, Michael's aunt Kathy starts arguments with Michael's brother all the time. He thinks he makes the best bread and Kathy says Michael does.

Merry Christmas. Take care.