Friday, December 02, 2005

I'm Sorry!

I know, I promised a post days ago. I'm so sorry it's taken so long! I'd list my long list of excuses, but I think I should just get on with business. :o)

This has been a busy, but non-eventful week. It seemed to take me a bit longer to get back into the swing of living alone after Michael left this time.

What I've loved about this week is the weather. It's been getting colder every day. This morning before I left for work, it was 17 degrees! I'm loving it. It's a nice dry cold with a slight breeze. The sky has been clear and beautiful.

It's been so nice walking to work under the stars and enjoying the cold.

Those of you who shared your address with me have Christmas cards coming in the mail. I hope they find you happy and well. :o)

When we came back from Town on Sunday, it was snowing. I tried to take some pictures of our small town as we passed. They're not retouched or edited in any way. I wanted to get them up here since Connie and Akeskileut pretty much insisted I post "something"!

I plan to get pictures of my tree ornaments up soon. Sorry, k8, I didn't use Aladdin this year. :o(


Connie Marie said...


Makes me miss the ocean.
Love your pictures, Kerri.

Jenny said...

:-) Thank you for sharing pics. It's cold here today too. I love it when it's bitter cold and clear with no clouds.


Aimee said...

(Psst--you could re-post the picture of your bears from last year. I bet most people don't remember that one.)
