Monday, January 03, 2005

The New Year Starts Off With a...


Not a car crash, or anything like that, but something just as devastating.

My sister, still not fully recovered from her broken hip had another accident. She was rushing to my mom's bedroom to wake my step-dad and wish him a happy new year at Midnight. Her walker slipped out from under her and she fell. She broke her arm and possible her hip...again...for the 3rd time.

The last time she was in the hospital, the doctor told her she had brittle bones. I guess that means that she'll break something everytime she falls? I have had an upset stomach ever since I heard about it.

They don't have insurance. My community won't help her because she's not a student and has been away from home too long. I can't afford to help with Michael being unemployed.

I feel so helpless.

So anyway, that explains my absence. I haven't felt much like writing. I haven't felt much like anything.

School started back up today, though, and being around the kids usually helps me snap out of my funky moods. If I'm up to it, I'll write again tomorrow.


Jenny said...

Oh Kerri I am so sorry to hear about your sis. It's discouraging to know that she is not covered by insurance, but keep praying over the situation. I will keep her and you in my prayers as well. I cannot imagine the horror you have felt over all of this.


Kate said...

Hang in there. There's always a silver lining, and you'll figure out a way to help them. You're already helping them by being supportive and keeping them in your prayers. You and your family will be in mine as well.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts... and I hope you have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your Sis...hugs!
You take care and take it one day at a time.