Thursday, March 17, 2005

Busy Doing....Nuthin

I don't really have an excuse for not posting this week. I just have not had the energy. I've had a weird stomach problem all week so haven't felt like doing much of anything. I have, though, been reading my favorite blogs and leaving comments here and there.


Our weather has been beautiful all week. This morning it was a bit frosty and the moutnains turned white again overnight, but the skies are as blue as ever and the sun is shining.


The junior high kids got their quarter grades the other day. Lucione got the highest gpa (3.86) in 7th grade and Alexys got the highest (also 3.86) in the 8th grade. I'm so proud of them. I knew they had good grades, but they're both at the top of the heap!


My husband applied for a job with an environmental company. They clean up after oil spills and things like that. He got a call today from them asking if he wanted to help with the Dutch Harbor oil spill. He's seriously thinking about it. This is not helping my stomach ache any.

I hate the idea of him leaving and will miss him terribly while he's away, but I will not say no if he decides to go. He's been unemployed since the week after Thanksgiving and I know it bothers him to not be earning an income. The wages for this job, although it will only be 2 to 3 months, are more than double what he'd get if he stayed home and worked a construction job.

When he went north for his training for his CDL and hazardous materials certificates, he was gone for 3 months. So it's not like I can't survive on my own. We've already done this. But I know I won't like it.

The good thing is, it will make him happy. At least it's not mid-winter.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Kerri, I haven't had time to read your blog in days and I am just starting to catch up. I hope Michael's job offer works out for you both.