Saturday, March 26, 2005

So Nice to Be Stress Free

With Dad home and feeling better, it's nice to be able to relax. I almost feel as if I took an entire week off from, I don't know...Life. The entire week he was in the hospital is just a blur to me.

He's got the best sense of humor, though. We have a channel on our local cable that allows you to put advertisements, announcements, or whatever sort of text message you want for a small fee. My dad's starts off like this:

I'm back and the plumbing has been fixed!

He goes on to say his thank yous and ends with:

Thanks, from my heart!

Gotta love the guy. He reminds me so much of my grandfather. The same sense of humor, the same ability to put you at ease in any situation.

Now we're busy focusing on Easter. We're torn between going to my church for church or my mother-in-law's.

My entire family goes to my church and I feel the most comfortable there, but my mother-in-law has a habit of making you feel guilty when you go against her wishes. "It's not intentional," her kids always tell me...but I'd still rather not deal with it. Especially since we've been told we have to eat at her house for Easter dinner.

Anyway, Lindsey and Theodore are here so I better go check on them.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Kerri I hope your day went great and not TOO much guilt was blasted into you.