Thursday, March 10, 2005

Will the Wind Ever Stop?

What a stormy day! I get soaked just walking to and from the truck! Of course, that could be because I can't run. My ankle started hurting yesterday and today it's starting to swell. I have no idea what I did. I was walking down the hall at school and felt this sharp pain in my left foot where it bends. On top...not by the ankle. I started limping immediately and thought it would be better by today since I hadn't twisted it or anything. I was wrong. It's gotten worse and now my other foot is getting sore as well as my back. Most likely from limping.


In the comments of my last post, Jayleigh asked if my anger has lessened. I guess I could have posted earlier about this.

I was very angry when I typed up that post. I used my blog as a way to vent. I typed what I didn't have the heart to say to him. I knew he was feeling bad. I knew it wasn't intentional. I just had to let off some steam. After I calmed down he apologized and we were back to normal. It was just so frustrating to have that happen when it could have been prevented if I hadn't bought him that darn jar of licorice!

So, yeah, my anger has lessened. We won't need marriage counseling. We've already talked it through. We're good as gold now. :o)


I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. This week as felt especially long because I did not slow down at all last weekend. We were pretty much on the go from Friday morning until early Sunday evening when we got home. I was pretty exhausted when Monday morning rolled along and I had to head back to work.

I think we'll have Lucione for the weekend, but she's a piece of cake. Nothing like James and Alexys.


Time to go elevate and ice my ankle.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Kerri, I know you two are OK! It's just frustrating when you know the situation could have been prevented. Take care and have a good week!

Maybe I'll blog from Minneapolis because Rob's letting me take his laptop. Yay!