Sunday, March 13, 2005

Do You Ever Wonder if You're Good Enough?

For what, I don't know. I've just had this nagging feeling this weekend. Like I'm not doing something I'm supposed to be doing. Like I'm not the daughter/sister/wife I should be. I feel like I've let somebody down.

Maybe I've let myself down.

Maybe I'm just now realizing that I am not living up to my potential.


Kate said...

I have days like that. I am so sorry you feel that way. Have faith that all will work out and that you are a very caring, amazing woman. "You are beautiful in every single way..." ~ Christina Aguilera

Kerri said...

Thank you, Kate. You're sweet to say such nice things about me. :o)

Kate said...

I try only to speak the truth. :-) I realize that I haven't really known you for too long and I only know you through our blogs, but I just have this sensation that you're more of an amazing person than you think you are. :-)