Thursday, November 17, 2005

Back to Work

It wasn’t easy, but I came to work today. It’s storming again and my dad decided I shouldn’t be allowed to walk to school today. Nice of him to think of me, except that it meant I got here 30 minutes too early. Needless to say, this can end up feeling like a really long day.

Michael moves to Fresno today. They should be on the road now. If he plans things right, he should be able to see my mom on his way up.

The weather is supposed to be fairly good the day he comes back to Alaska, so hopefully, we’ll be able to find a boat to pick them up and bring them home.

Speaking of weather, I cannot believe how some of the kids are dressed today. Its fall people; time to start dressing your kids in warm clothing. There are still kids wearing short pants and pretty little sun dresses. It makes me wonder if the parents even pay attention to what the kids are wearing. It would be different if the kids were being driven to school. But the majority of them are the ones who walk or stand out in the weather waiting for the bus.

Space Cadet is moping today. Lucione is leaving for a basketball trip. Space Cadet thinks she has to go everywhere her daughter goes so is being a little bratty today with the whining and complaining. I have absolutely no sympathy for her. If you ask her, Lucione is “fine with having her mother along” all the time. But when Lucione and I are alone, she tells me it’s embarrassing for her to always have her mom with her. She feels as if her mother doesn’t trust her to be responsible. I’ve tried telling Space Cadet, but she doesn’t hear me. Today she asked if I could tape her up in a box and ship her to Petersburg. I said, ‘Find the box. I’ll tape you up but I won’t send you anywhere!”

I better get some work done.


Connie Marie said...

lol about taping Space Cadet in a box but leaving her there.

I remember my kids wearing shorts to school during minus degree weather!

It's peer pressure I tell ya!

Tee/Tracy said...

LOL! for the kids not dressed warmly enough - really sad, isn't it? I picked up Nick at school the other day and this little girl was headed out the doors without even a light jacket and it was freezing. One of the teachers hollared to her, "Hey! No one leaves without their coat on!" The little girl said she didn't have one :(

Kerri said...

Connie, everyone else thought it was funny, too. But she just whined more and wouldn't let me do it. hehe

Tee, it is sad when kids don't have what they need. The kids I'm referring to, though, have what they need. They just refuse to use it!

SQ, I guess that means the fact that you have less than 2 weeks left is a good thing! :o)

Lois Lane said...

Happy birthday to your stepmom! And good luck to Lucione at her game!
Amazing how some parents let their kids dress. That blew my mind. I chased mine outsdie today with caps. LOL! They were complaining about their hair and I said, "Too bad!" LOL!
Fingers are crossed for good weather for Michael's return!
Have a great weekend!
Lois Lane

Fizzy said...

It is the coldest it has been for quite a few years in November and I have had kids ask me allllll day if they need wear a coat!!! It had driven me potty
And I have been teaching without a voice for the last two days .... that was interesting

look after yourself