Thursday, November 03, 2005

What Day is it?

Today feels like Friday. All week I felt like I was a day behind and now I’m a day ahead of myself.

This morning as I was walking to work with my head down, I was thinking how the rain felt extra cold. I couldn’t pick my head up because with the breeze and the ice cold rain, it hurt my face. When I finally had to look up in order to cross the street, I noticed that the mountains are half white. The snow is moving further down the mountain. It’s 37 degrees today, which isn’t even all that cold but it’s the coldest we’ve been so far.

I don’t remember the mountains getting snow this early in recent years. I know it didn’t happen last year. I remember grumbling on here about the lack of snow almost all winter long. It’s beginning to look like I’ll get a lot of use out of my lovely green scarf this year! :o)

Don’t forget, if you’d like a Christmas card from me, click the E-mail Me link in the side bar and send me your address. I promise not to send you anything weird; nor will I share your personal info with anyone. Hehe!

Michael comes home today but I don’t know what time to expect him. He arrives at the airport at 4:14 AK time. The ferry normally leaves at 4:30, but they are going to delay their departure for at least an hour in order to allow Michael and my cousin to get from the airport to the ferry. Depending on when they leave, he’ll get home anywhere from 8:00 to 9:00 PM my time (This community is the only one in Alaska that does not change its clocks for Daylight Saving Time. We are on Alaska Time from April to October and on Pacific Time from October to April).

I normally don’t like to have kids at my house the night he comes home but this time it was unavoidable. Space Cadet has to take Lindsey to Town this afternoon because she has her first appointment with an orthodontist tomorrow at 8AM. It’s cheaper to go by ferry, and it’s not light enough early enough to fly so they’re going to spend a night over there. Space Cadet’s husband is a tender on a diving boat and will be out on the water so I will have Lucione for at least one night. Hopefully, Space Cadet will come home on Friday and I can give her daughter back to her without the other one taking her place.

I’m having technical difficulties here at work again today so I better get busy working.


Sandy said...

BRRRRR! I have a hard time believing you look FORWARD to colder weather!

Kerri said...

Believe it, Sandy. I LOVE cold weather! I don't mind hot too much, probably because it doesn't really got "hot" here that often, but the weather I look forward to the most is the cold. Snow is nice...but the colder the better. :o)

Stationery Queen, 75?!? Sheesh, and here it is November...Mother Nature seems to be a bit confused. The Christmas Card idea is a nice one, isn't it? hehe Thanks for the inspiration.