Tuesday, November 15, 2005

My Father in Me

I'm seein' my father in me
I guess that's how it's meant to be
And I find I'm more and more like him each day
I notice I walk the way he walks
I notice I talk the way he talks
I'm startin' to see my father in me
Chorus from “Seein My Father in Me” by Paul Overstreet

All through my life, I’ve been compared to my mother. I’ve been told I look like her. I’ve been told I sing like her. I’ve been told I’m strong like her. The list goes on. Even my mom compares me to herself. I can’t even count the number of times she’s said something like, “Hey, look! We both {do whatever} the same!”

I have been noticing lately, though, that I have inherited a lot of my dad’s traits as well.

He’s an extremely patient man. You need patience to have a job like mine and I believe I got my patience from my dad. I definitely inherited my dad’s sense of humor! I’ve often been told “You’re just like your dad!” when I tease or make a joke. I’ve always taken that as a compliment.

Yesterday, I even noticed that some of my habits are just like my dad. We both write with our right hands but eat with our left. When seated at a table or desk, I lean on my arms just like him (That trait I wish I hadn’t inherited because now I’ve got cubital tunnel syndrome in BOTH arms!). Sometimes when I laugh, I sound just like him.

It’s comforting to know that I’ve got the best of both my parents in me and others can see that.

I need to live my life in such a way that people can not only see my parents in me, but God as well. I need to treat others with love and respect. I need to spread joy. I need to be compassionate. If I live my life correctly, people should be able to see God within me.

And on that day when we will pay for all the deeds we have done,
Good and bad they'll all be had to see by everyone.
And when you're called to stand and tell just what you saw in me,
More than anything I know, I want your words to be
She had her father's eyes,
Her father's eyes;
Eyes that found the good in things,When good was not around;
Eyes that found the source of help,When help would not be found;
Eyes full of compassion,Seeing every pain;
Knowing what you're going through,And feeling it the same.
Just like my father's eyes…
From “My Father’s Eyes” by Amy Grant


Connie Marie said...

Paul Overstreet is cool. He has some great lovey-dovey songs!

I wish my Dad was still around...

Kerri said...

Connie Marie, he is cool. I was the outcast in school because I was the only one in my class who liked country music. I'm still in the minority most of the time for my music tastes! hehe

Thanks, Akeskileut. :o)

Aimee said...

Well I'm odd-man-out here because I don't like country music and I'm about the last person you'll find quoting the bible, but I can say two things in absolute confidence:
1. Based on the stories you've told us, I also believe it's a compliment when you're compared to your father; and
2. God is with you and in you and very apparent in all your words and actions (and even better, live in God in a non-judgmental and non-pushy way). You treat other people with more respect than I think they deserve sometimes, but that's who you are--it goes with your patient nature I think (which, I've been told, you got from your dad). ;)


k8 said...

awww, that is very sweet!


Jenny said...

Kerri, what an awesome post.

I thought your dad lived nearby? You said something in your email about missing him.


I sure see God in you. You have been such a true friend to me and I am eternally grateful.

Kerri said...

Thank you, Aimee and k8. :o)

Jayleigh, what I said was, my dad called because he missed me. He does live close by, but I don't see him as often as I'd like to because of his work schedule and his habit of running off to Town every weekend to get away. hehe Now with Michael gone, I see even less of him because I've turned into a home-body.