Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Tales

Halloween was so much fun! I didn’t dress up, I never do. I haven’t since the 6th grade. I wrote all about it somewhere in my archives – probably around Halloween last year.

Michael and I had a bet going as to when the first visitor would knock on my door. I thought it would be around 7:00. He said it would be at 6:00. When I mentioned it to Akeskileut, she said it would be at 6:30. We were wrong. All three of us. My first visitor knocked at about 5:30.

It was the 5th grade teacher and her son, Samuel. I have a huge inflatable Tigger in my living room. Mrs. M said, “Oh, I like your little Tigger!” Then we both giggled because it is far from little. Her son said, “Mom, that’s a BIGGER Tigger!”

After Samuel left, my witchy step-mom (see yesterday’s post) stopped by with my two nephews Joshua and Chatham. They, too, were excited about the Tigger and posed in front of it for a picture. I didn’t think to ask my step-mom to pose. I missed an excellent photo op there.

Most of my visitors were family. The highlights were when Lexi and Brady stopped by (Lexi was the Statue of Liberty and Brady was a puppy.) and seeing my girls. I’ll post pictures later when I’m at home. I got a cute one of Mikayla trying to look scary.

The weather started off okay. It was cloudy and dreary, but basically calm. By the time the kids ventured out, though, the wind had picked up. I could hear kids wandering through the neighborhood and it sounded like they were having a lot of fun in the wind. But then the rain came. Good thing it was a school night. Most kids had headed home by the time the rain came. I tried to give Lindsey a water-proof bag but it didn’t match her costume so she declined. I hope her candy didn’t get too soggy.

Anyway, I’m here at work, sleepy and sneezing, willing the time to pass quickly. I hope you all are having a good day wherever you may be. Please say a prayer for Jayleigh, as she’s home recovering from surgery.


Tee/Tracy said...

That is cute about the Tigger. LOL.

Said a little prayer for Jayleigh.

Is it still windy up there? Is it usually windy this time of year there?

Your Christmas card idea is cool :)

Jenny said...

Thanks for the prayers!

We got zero trick-or-treaters, but Mindy our niece did come to see me when I got settled in on my end of the sofa!

Tigger sounds adorable!


I want a Christmas Card. Obviously you already know my address. heeh