Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Trick-Or-Treating With Tigger

Okay, finally, here they are. Pictures of some of my nieces and nephews with my Tigger! As always, click the pictures to view them bigger.

This is Mikayla and Craig. Their mother told her to look scary. hehe! She's too cute to look scary. Especially with all those wind-blown curls! :o)

Here's Lucione. She calls her costume a zombie.

Here's Lindsey as a devil.....

......and Alexys as an angel.

Here's Lexi...I was most excited to see her and her little brother. These are the kids I fostered for 5 months a few years ago. I can't belive they've gotten so big but it makes my heart glad to see them so happy.

And here's Lexi's little brother, Brady.


Jenny said...

Love the pics!!

In the last year, Lucione, Lindsey and Alexys have all grown up so just from your pictures!!!

Tigger ROCKS!

Connie Marie said...

More great costumes!
Such beautiful children.

I had to laugh about you walking without raising your head up. I think I can remember weather like that in Old Harbor! brrrr!

We have been staying about zero here in Big Lake. brrrr too, but if you get to stay indoors all the time next to a wood stove, it's not so bad. I feel for you having to walk out in that c-c-cccold!