Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Michael heads home today. He won't make it all the way home because the boat we were relying on isn't going over until tomorrow. Their check didn't come so they have no money to get fuel. That was their whole purpose of going over today so now that's not going to happen. I didn't know that until after I got to work so he doesn't know yet.

I called him this morning to say hello. He was busy getting ready. I said, “But your plane doesn’t leave until 11:00. It’s only 6:00.”

He said, “Yeah, I know. But Wal-Mart opens at 7:00 and we want to stop there before we go to the airport.”

It’s an addiction, I tell ya. The guy just loves to shop! I’m sure he’ll also have to stop at IHOP for some pancakes, too. That seems to be turning into a travel day tradition for them. That’s so not fair! Hehe

The first bell hasn’t rung yet and already the kids are all hyped up. Short weeks do it to them every time. Tomorrow morning is going to be even worse because it’s not only the last day of the week, but it’s a short day.

I was going to take tomorrow off, but I took a personal day last week so I’ll be one of the lucky ones left behind to deal with the rambunctious rugrats. I think tomorrow we’ll have more subs than regular staff. Even the kitchen will be covered by subs.

Tomorrow night, I’ll be baking pumpkin pies. Thursday, of course, we’ll be busy making the rest of the dinner, Friday we’ll decorate for Christmas (if I wait till he comes home again, it will be too late), and Saturday we’re going to Town to get the ingredients for my Christmas cookies. So I guess Jayleigh was right. I will be busy this week! That’s okay, though. It’s a good kind of busy and I’m looking forward to it.

Rick’s wife was trying to order a cell phone online last night. I had written a page full of step-by-step instructions so she could get through it without problems. She must have called me at least 3 times to ask questions. Some of the questions, though, were just totally off the wall. One time she called and asked what a chargeable cover was. I told her I didn’t know. It wasn’t until about 5 minutes after we hung up that I realized she was reading it wrong and the phone had a CHANGEABLE cover!

The bells about to ring so I better get busy. I have science first thing this morning. If I don’t have time to update over the weekend, I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families!


Connie Marie said...

AWWWW! You need to move closer to IHOP so that you can enjoy those pancakes!

Happy Thanksgiving to you (((((((kerrie))))))

lol @ Chargeable Cover!

Fizzy said...

Happy Thanksgiving
You sound so excited AND BUSY.
I really hope that Micheal gets home in time.
Enjoy yourself and tell us all about it (((HUgs)))

Jenny said...

Ohhhhh **hugs**

Have the best Thanksgiving ever, dear. I'm praying that M gets home without incident and you are both able to rest in the comfort of your home and in the knowledge that you are together and in the Lord.

Lois Lane said...

Happy Thanksgiving Kerri and Michael!
Lois Lane

Aimee said...

I hope your thanksgiving weekend was good--did you get all the Christmas stuff up yesterday? We started, but man is it a long, slow process! Where did all this stuff come from?! (LOL)

Just popping in to send you some internet lovin'. Hope all is well.
