Wednesday, October 12, 2005

An Eventful Day

What a day I had today! I started off at work but then had to go across campus to the high school for a workshop.

I got an extra long lunch (not really, just 15 minutes extra) so came home and did my dishes AND laundry before going back to the workshop.

In the middle of our afternoon session, we had a fire drill. Not a simple little fire drill where the alarm got pulled and we all filed out the doors. This was a practice run for the fire department. It is, after all, Fire Prevention Awareness Week!

Both of our fire trucks showed up along with an ambulance and a couple of police cars. They actually hooked their hoses to the hydrants and sprayed the building for about 10 minutes.

That was fun to watch but it got a lot of passersby all shook up. They thought there was a real fire.

After the fire trucks left, we went back in, did another half an hour or so of training and then went back to our own building to get ready to go home.

I let my sister-in-law talk me into getting into her car and she drug me to the Open House at the firehall. They had a barbecue and although I don't particularly enjoy eating in big crowds like that, it was delicious. Macaroni salad, black cherry soda, a BLACK hotdog (grilled hotdogs don't taste right unless they're well done!) and FRESH grilled salmon. They had hamburgers but I didn't eat one. They were taking too long to cook them. hehe

Now I'm stuffed. My house is clean because I cleaned up at lunch time. So now I just have to figure out how I'm going to spend the next 4 or 5 hours before I go to bed for the night. I can't wait for the vehicle tours to be over so I won't have to listen to the sirens anymore.

Tomorrow at this time, I'll be cooking chicken stir-fry because that is what Michael requested. He insists on cooking for me when he's home but I always cook what he wants the day he gets here.

There hasn't been a lot of substance to my posts lately. I'm going to try and do better. Not tonight, though. It's been a long day and I'm glad to be home.


Jenny said...

1. btw, the title of your last post was not lost on me, I just forgot to comment on it. :-)

2. Count me in for black cherry soda, macaroni salade and black 'dogs! Yeahhhhhhh! Now I'm so hungry for one!

3. Also count me in for stir fry. What time shall I arrive this afternoon? Just in time to spoil your evening with M? hehehe

4. I love your description of your small community. Openhouses at the firehall? So. Charming. Seriously, I would adore living in a community like that. But here, it seems every single person has 100 better things to do than speak to their neighbors or hang out with fellow townspeople.

You are blessed, my dear friend.

Kerri said...

Jayleigh, he's first jet is taking to the air right this minute and he won't be home until 8PM tonight. I'm not sure you can make it here even if you tried! ;o)

We hang out together as a town quite often. I wish everyone could know what it's like to live in such a close-knit community.

Lois Lane said...

My heart would have stopped if I drove by during that drill. YIKES! I'm just glad it was only a drill! Yay! for Michael returning! And yeah for yummy long lunches!
Lois Lane