Sunday, October 16, 2005

Monday Madness "This or That"

Which one?

1. Lemonade or Iced Tea?
At my mom's we make lemonade with lemon's from her trees but here at home, I drink Iced Tea.

2. DVD or VHS?
I own hundreds of VHS tapes, but have switched to DVD's over the past few years.

3. Gold or Silver?
I'll say gold only because all the jewelry I own was given to me by Michael and he buys gold.

4. Baseball or Tennis?
I don't really watch either, but will watch the World Series so I'll choose baseball.

5. Spring or Autumn?
I love the cool brisk air of Autumn. Someday, I'm going to travel somewhere where I can enjoy the colors of Autumn, as well.

6. Diet or Regular?
The only diet soda I drink is my mother-in-law's diet Pepsi and that's only because she won't take no for an answer. If I drink soda, it's regular.

7. Hearts or Stars?
I'll say hearts. I don't know why.

8. Snail Mail or Email?
I love sending and receiving snail mail. I send more than I receive, but that's okay.

9. Shop: Online or In-Store?
I live on a small island with only a few stores and very limited selection. I do most of my shopping online.

10. Credit Card or Check?
I'll say check, but only because the money I spend comes directly out of my checking account. I use a Debit Card most of the time.


Fizzy said...

Morning, and thank you forthe really kind comments you left on my post last night. I was a bit worried abut publishing it - about laying myself so open... thanks again.

1) Lemonade. I have never drunk Tea or coffee.
2) DVD Iam not a big movie watcher
Silver I prefer, but my earings have to be gold as I am allergic ot everything else.
Tennis We do not have baseball over here
Autumn A brilliant season. Lovely colours, lovely sunny weather or misty mornings AND my birthday and my wedding anniversary... what more can a girl ask for?
Diet as i coke. I live on the stuff. Hate the regular taste though yuk yuk
Stars I don;t know why either
Email of course Just love to see that little envelope icon appear on my screen.... but I love recieving nice snail mail (I.e. not bills)
OnlineUsing it more and more and I quite like it. Especially for xmas, when I can get quirky gifts to suit particular people
Debit card/cashI do not havea credit card and do not want one at all. Everything paid in cash easier to handle.

Have a good week

Nat said...

I didn't even think to include debit card as a choice... But I know they are used a lot. Thanks for playing Monday Madness, Kerri! =) ~Otto

Connie Marie said...

Tea, dvd, silver, baseball, spring, diet, stars, both, online, credit card.

We do the credit thing and have worked up mileage! (We pay our bill off every month.)

Sandy said...

Iced Tea, DVD, gold, baseball, no difference here, regular for SURE, hearts, email, in-store (i hate things that don't fit right!), a mix: check card!!

Lois Lane said...

Iced Tea, VHS, Silver, Baseball, both (hahaha), Diet, yellow moons orange stars green clovers and blue diamonds (what?) Snail Mail, in store, Credit Card (ATM checkcard)
Lois Lane

Jenny said...

Tea NOT SWEET TEA either!

New stuff on DVD's, old stuff on VHS

Gold. And silver.



Diet Dr Pepper!

Hearts, totally.

Snail mail. I just wrote out 9 cards of encouragment while laying in bed with an aching back.

In store shopping.

Check. Totally. Or debit.

**hugs** back to bed now!