Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I just walked out of the science room. Holy cow, that 3rd grade class is enough to make me want to go into early retirement!

We had an experiment to do today where they were supposed to see whether soil or gravel absorbed water better.

It was pretty simple, put some gravel in one cup, soil in another. Add water, let it drain, and then measure to see which one absorbed more.

This class is full of a bunch of know-it-alls and all they did was bicker back and forth.

I gave so many lectures I was ready to run out of the room crying! Not really, but I was extremely frustrated by the time the period ended.

I don’t think most of them even learned the concept. It was all “We need to do this! No, we need to do this! It’s my turn! It is not, it’s mine!”

What made it so frustrating is that each kid in each group had a job. One was in charge of gathering materials, one was in charge of setting up the experiment, one was in charge of implementing the experiment, and one was in charge of recording the results.

They fought over each others jobs. I’d explain that they needed to stick to their own job. That made them pout.

Pouting kids don’t concentrate well so we had a lot of messes.

Sheesh! I wish it was Friday.


Jenny said...

Oh wow Girl. You have your work cut out for you with those little rascals!

Kerri said...

I certainly did today! I'm so thankful they don't act like this every single time.

Connie Marie said...

Go back to the first grade class!
lol ... they miss you!

Kerri said...

What a great idea, Alutiiq Chahuk! :o)