Wednesday, September 15, 2004

More Dreams

I’m on a break at work. Today is going by pretty fast compared to how my week started. The computer lab is really hot, though. I only have classes until 9:30 but I can’t turn the computers off because they are used throughout the day by teachers for special writing projects and things. Having 24 computers running all day really heats things up in here.
One of my cousins works here. She is always talking about these dreams she has. She dreams about people and strongly believes that if you dream about someone you should tell them. If something bad happens in the dream, then you must tell the person before you eat your breakfast so that the dream won’t come true. I don’t know if I believe in all that, but she does.
Anyway, she came in the lab during one of my classes this morning. She didn't say a word, just stood there in front of me and she had this big grin on her face. That wasn’t her normal behavior…she didn’t even say her usual “good morning”.

“What?” I asked. She just stood there smiling waiting for me to stop what I was doing.
“What is it?” I ask again.
She finally said, “I have to tell you something, but I don’t want to upset you.”
“Just tell me,” I say to her.
“Okay, I had this dream…”
“Oh, no…do I need to sit down?”
“No, it’s not a bad one this time.” She said, still smiling really big.
“Okay, then…what is it?”
“I dreamt that you and your husband came to visit me.”
“Okay, we do that a lot…”
“But this time you brought a baby to show me.”
”Whose baby was it?”
“You were nursing it, so I’m guessing it was yours. It was a boy.”

She then turned and walked out. Still smiling. I’m not expecting. I have no idea where that came from. Oh well, time to go have my lunch.


Jenny said...

That's a great dream. We've been waiting over 12 years, and it's GOING to happen for us, I know it. I wrote a little story about all the tests back in 2001 and posted it to my blog this week.

I am sorry to read about the death of your friend. It's jarring, especially in a small town where everyone knows everyone else. But as you said, you have the support there too.

Bless you.

Kerri said...

Hi Jayleigh!
You better watch're becoming a regular here! :o)
I really was shocked when she told me about her dream. My husband and I just celebrated our 12th anniversary less than a month ago. I made up my mind long ago not to get my hopes up or obsess about becoming a mother...things will happen when they happen. I decided I don't want to force things. If God decides he wants me to be a mother, he'll see to it that it happens.
If you come back and read this, I wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kerri..this is ahka..:-)
That is a wonderful dream and I hope someday it will come true for you and your hubby...I'm wishing you the best. I'm enjoying your blogg's. Keep up the good work. Hope you have a good day and for the rest of the week. I'll check back again soon...:-)

Kerri said...

Thanks for visiting and for your well wishes. :o) Her dream really did put me in a good mood...but like I said, I've learned long ago not to get my hopes up about such things.
Come back again soon!