Saturday, September 11, 2004

What Do Dreams Mean?

I’ve been having some really strange dreams lately. In some of them, I find myself in strange situations in places I don’t recognize. I can’t figure out what I’m doing there, but at the moment I’m the most afraid, I spot someone I love in the crowd. It’s not always the same person…but always someone I care for and who means a lot to me. In other dreams, I’m alone in my bedroom…lying in the dark sobbing. I don’t know if I’m dealing with a death or some other kind of loss. I just know that I am so upset that I can’t bring myself to get up off the bed. I’m not even IN bed…just lying there fully clothed sobbing on my pillow. My loved ones come in one by one and say the usual “I’m sorry’s” and “I’m here for you’s” but I never know why. There are other dreams where I am so sure that I’ve lost a loved one. Sometimes it’s my mother or father, sometimes it’s my husband. I never see what happens, but in my dreams I’m always saying things like, “I can’t believe (s)he’s gone.” “What am I going to do without them in my life?” I wake up so scared and more than once I’ve shaken my husband awake just to make sure that he would wake up. I have no idea where these are coming from but I am getting to the point where I’m afraid to go to sleep. It’s getting to the point where I feel so drained and it’s really a chore for me to just get through the day from being so tired. Yet when I do lie down, I don’t want to close my eyes because I don’t want to have another depressing dream. I wish I knew where they were coming from. I wish I knew what I could do to make them go away.


Jenny said...

Josickos? That is hilarious!

About the dreams, I have had those off and on in my life. I'd stay awake until 4AM and then just get so tired that I stopped caring whether or not I had the dreams. Usually they only lasted a few weeks but I'd always think something was horribly wrong, maybe I was depressed, maybe this is a foretelling, but then the cycle ended.

BTW this is the second time now that I've come across your blog just by hitting the "next blog" button. I think you are very funny and smart. And I love to head the teacher's side of things. We adults have to band together so those 8th graders don't overthrow us. *grin*

Take care!

Kerri said...

Hi Jayleigh,
Thanks for once again taking the time to comment. I appreciate your kind words and it is encouraging to know that there may be an end to these disturbing dreams of mine. This is the first time I remember having these sort of dreams so they are especially disturbing to me.
I'm glad that I am able to make you smile. Come back anytime. :o)