Thursday, September 30, 2004

Any Questions?

According to my source, today is Ask a Stupid Question Day. Others say it was on Tuesday. At any rate, does anybody have any stupid questions for me? No guarantee I'll be able to answer.


Kerri said...

Well, Tara...I would like to say that it's stereotypical but I'm not positive and even a bit doubtful. Sometimes to me it seems that everyone around me smokes. I, however, do not; nor does my husband.

Jenny said...

Glad to know you don't. Has anyone seen that photo circulating online that shows a VERY pregnant woman smoking and the caption says she's worried about the noises from jackhammers at a nearby construction site affecting her baby-to-be?

Kerri said...

My grandmother died of lung cancer when I was about 12 so I vowed then and there I would never bring a cigarette to my lips. My mom smokes. She buys cigarettes, anyway. I often find just the butt with a really long ash in the ashtray. The amount she lights up slightly outweighs the amount she actually smokes, but that doesn't justify her habit. I don't allow smoking in my house or my car. My husbands friends have stood shivering on my porch many times, but anyone who knows me, knows I'm stubborn when it comes to such things and trying to argue with me is pointless.