Thursday, December 16, 2004

Concert Photos!

My holiday break has begun! A bit sooner than I anticipated because I had to come home at lunch time and go to bed. My head felt like a medicine ball. It took all the energy I had (which wasn’t a lot) to keep myself upright. The principal was nice enough to let me sneak home at lunch. I ate what Michael had prepared for me and went to bed. I was out like a light until 2:40. Perfect timing since school is dismissed at 2:45 and I had told Lindsey and James they could come do their homework here after school because I wouldn’t be there to help them as usual.

James is so silly. He walked in all drenched at 3:00.

He said, “I’m really wet because I took the long way.”

I asked, “Why’d you take the long way on such a rainy day?”

“I didn’t mean to. I forgot which street to walk down and when I finally remembered, I was already wet.”

I ended up with James, Lindsey, Lucione, Alexys, and Jasmine here today. I’m so glad I got some rest. I would have been a wreck if I hadn’t.

The concert last night was a huge success. I think Lindsey actually had fun! She’s terribly shy so performing is always so much of a chore for her. The pictures I got of her were great because you can see a hint of a smile in almost every one. That’s huge for her.

Lindsey's in the back row dressed in lavender. Posted by Hello

James, too, did great. He’s normally a statue and you can barely see his mouth move. This time, though, he got into the movements and thoroughly enjoyed himself.

James is in the middle row...the taller blonde with the red shirt and three stripes close together. Posted by Hello

Craig was so adorable. He usually hams it up when he knows there’s an audience. This time, though, he was a real trooper. He sang and did sign language and behaved himself.

Here's Craig lookin' all handsome in the front row. They're signing and singing The First Noel. Posted by Hello

The name of the concert was “A New World Christmas”. The kids performed songs about Christmas in other places, and even in other languages. One in Hawaiian, one in latin, and one in sign language. It was great.

Each student from 3rd through 6th grades was asked to create a tree to decorate the walls in the gymnasium. Most students chose the family theme for their trees. Lindsey was one of them. She put my photo on her tree.

When she told me, I said, “Awww, man!”

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I didn’t want to be on your tree.”

“Why not?”

“Because everyone will see me!”

She rolled her eyes and said, “That’s the whole point, Aunty Kerri!”

Lindsey's "family tree". Posted by Hello

Here they are all together after the concert. Posted by Hello

It’s getting late and I better finish packing for our little trip to Town. I hope that you all have a nice weekend. I’ll be back by Sunday at the latest.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Kerri! I thought we were gonna be able to see a pic of you on Lindsey's tree!!!

Too bad you're not feeling good, but AWESOME you got a nap before the kids came over. You have got to be the best aunt on the planet.

My sis came home last night. I'm disappointed in her because her hair has so many blonde highlights now that we don't even look very much alike. Oh well. It was fun to see her and her "Significant Elder." Hehe. My bro in law coined that term this morning and I'm giggling over it still.

Take care and have fun in town.
